

Ask @isaAljawder

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Hmmm im too tired to argue so ur right and but the source of killing was started because of a woman When cain killed abel for his wife Cain and abel are adam's son so blame women :P and cain too..

Okay, I am an not an expert in the Bible or Christianity so no comment on that.

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What do you do when you’re angry?

Whoever it is that made me mad, I don't hold back. I tell them to their face because it's uneccessary to keep hiding it and pretending to like them.

I think it was 2 years ago, when you got into a fight with him, umm, he is a senior, I think , the description in the first question applies, and to add to that, he usually hangs out with some girls in breaks or the other foreigners

Oh THAT! Well, yeah something happened years ago. I was still a kid and it was all stupid, but I'm over it now. You know you could've said the name and saved me all the trouble.

hmm, tall, kind of blondish hair, and got a deep voice. that's the one

I don't know, I only remember major conflicts and I guess this one isn't one of them. Sorry!

Hi there! I just remembered that I heard before, long ago(around 4-5 months), that you got into a conflict with some foreign dude at school, some years back, and I forgot to ask, why?

Really? Was it in Middle School? Where was he from?

I've seen your artwork. It seems all alike. Not that its not amazing but real nice and artistic. But think about considering something new, as in out of your usual women, model, bodies. Narrowing it down, start drawing things which are not people. With a mind like yours wonders could happen.

Thank you for the compliments :) And you're right, I should come out of my little bubble and try exploring something new.

At what age are you planning to get married? Will it be a bahraini girl? And do you think it would be marriage after a love story?

Marriage or love are DEFINITELY not on my mind right now, and I don't think after graduation since I will be super busy preparing for studying abroad. Will it be from Bahrain, I don't know, but nationality doesn't matter. And if love story means not arranged and met and fell in love then yes.

- power to do anything They make movies and songs what difference could they make These people are mindless so there is no use And in bahrain what are they not given? Tell me

But that's precisely my point, celebrities don't have the power to do any change. They're not mindless, they just know their limit. Rights wise, you can say that Bahraini women are living fine. But let's not ignore the fact how women are still not taken seriously, always being second-class to men, 3eib this and 3eib that like they can't think for themselves. Just because the Quran told women they had to cover up didn't mean it also said be stupid and let a man guide you, Asta'3fruAllah.

-we have alot of guys and none of them do anything bad Third do you think that women would do the right thing if they ruled? Especially young women? I am a woman and i know myself and i know how women think bro Im gna stand with you about the slave trade but who can stop that Celebs dont have any-

I don't care about your family, that's your problem. And who the Hell said young women should rule? Are you shitting me? Not all women think the same BTW ;) Ask yourself who caused all the wars and feuds and global issues then come back to address such topics.

Hahaha ur funny first of all many girls do drugs, smoke, have sex, drink, etc and no1 tells them anything cuz no1 cares about them If her parents care about her they would "yeraboonha" to become a woman Second who said its okai for guys to smoke, drink, bla bla bla ? I know my family and it is big-

First, this isn't funny. Second, you're ignorant if you think that girls that drink, have sex, smoke, or do drugs aren't told anything. Don't spin and turn, once spotted JUST smoking the entire country knows of her and her 'slut' status. It's not okay for boys to do that shit too, but no one looks down on them and they are respected when the girls yaza3m sm3at'ha e5tarbat. Spare me.

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

The future. There's nothing for me in the past and it is not wise to dwell within it.

Well women do have equal rights everywhere! Except in saudi ya3ni they're mit5alfeen And oh it says in the quran that the woman was equal to the man in the beggining But stupid man ruined everything so check your sources :)

No, women don't have equal rights everywhere and this area of the world is a perfect example. Boys here drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, and go clubbing and it's all ignored as a phase or growing up. If a girl does anything as simple going out with a buy friend it's looked down upon and she's a slut. In some countries, women on average earn lesser money than men. And of course, Saudi's women are their own problem to fix. And if all women were equal, where's a female president? Where's a proper reigning Queen, not useless like Elizabeth. Why are all 'powerful' women celebrities who cannot bring global change for women to the world? Why are women still being kidnapped, raped, and turned into sex slaves and birth machines in Africa? Don't even try the feminism debate with me, child, I will put you in my mouth, chew you, and spit you out.

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Do you find it challenging to live apart from you parents while in NY? And as an arab person ,do you really see yourself as a successful fashion designer in NY?

1. It will be hard at first, seeing as I've never been so far away from my parents, or anyone I know in general. However, I'm sure as I make friends it will be smoother. 2. It has nothing to do with which part of the world I come from, it has to do with what I have to bring to the table.

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

I think girls are much prettier with long hair, but sadly it doesn't suit everyone :(

If you were an activist what would want to protest against?

Women not being equal to men, especially in this area of the world. I believe women should be just as equal as men, from the origin of humanity it's always been man>woman and I am against that ideology.


Language: English