
Jarvia Harrison

Ask @jarvieee

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Stop fucking hating on Jarvia. you haters are low lives just wanting some descent shit in your life. that's why you hate, because Jarvia is much better than you and you are jealous of so you try to bring her down to your level...but lets have a reality check here....you haters are worthless fucks xx

Aww thanks xx

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awwwwww. that made my night again! from you again!! x x x aaaaaaaand yes i hope we do before you come to hillcrest awwwwww your just too nice :- ~~~) x xx

Haha cute xxx

I'm going to ask you 10 questions I want to be your 666th answer Heheh x

Haha perf, this question is my 666th answer xo

thoughts on charlotte try make at is long as you know even though we havent meet but ya know? x x x x x x x

Haha okay:
You are soooo funny, all your videos that Mia had showed me that are on her phone and on facebook and all the stories she told me. They make me laugh so bloody much. You are so pretty oh my lord you would be the prettiest year 9 at hillcrest! You are really nice to me x Your facials are fab c; x I'm happy that you don't hate me like the others at hillcrest. You have really cool clothes. That sounds pedo as since I haven't met you but the ones I've seen in photos aha x I like talking to you. You're obviously really good at sport. Hopefully i get to meet you some time this year x You're lovely and absolutely gorgeous! You could pull anybody seriously x
That's all I can think of atm xxxx

Can I murder that anon who said about the dictionary definition of you before? I'd like to xx

Go for it x But 'someone' you know who c; might beat you there haha xx

Who ever it is hiding being anon and giving jarvia shit better watch themself! You can't just go round telling someone to kill yourself? Who do you think you are? I bet she can pull more boys than you anyway :L Love you jarv xxxx

Aw my god thankyou Baylee ily xxxxx

and if jarvia has boyfriends, people obviously like her. so that kind of backfired you fucking insensitive fucktrumpet.

Thanks Mayass xxx Ily fannywaggon. Everytime I think of that word I smile xox

im pretty sure that wouldnt be in the dictionary.

If that's what people think of me oh well. Awk0 how I've never ever liked somebody as much as David. The part that says i never care about my boyfriends really gets to me. Omg I actually can't describe how I feel about David.
I can't describe how i feel about that anon cunt who just sent that to me...

same ha. people are ew~~xxx you're perfect to me c: so you cant even deny it cause you dont even know c; x

I hate people haha. Apart from you and David c; xo Ily, miss you soooo much :'c x

she is now throwing a tantrum. past her bed time. all good chick good night.

Hahaha oh lord. Tell her to piss off

you're perf jarviee c: xxxxxx

Haha obviously not, people tell me to kill myself, I get told im a slut bitch and shit. Thanks though ;L not in a good mood atm .-. xo


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