
Jarvia Harrison

Ask @jarvieee

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Omg your flawless in every single way. OMG seriously hun you are so pretty it is unbelievable and your personality, WOW, seriosuly you are perf! Dont listen to haters caz girrl, you. got. the. whole. fucking. package

I really don't nobody has everything no matter who you are ;* but thank you that is truly lovely xox
Liked by: Kajal S Y D N E Y

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Omfg i loved ur answer to the question "slut" thats pure gold pure. Dear who ever said shes a slut , aww ur a big boy/girl u finally have permission to say slut. Xxx

haha aw thanks hun ;* xxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Kajal

If u could do anything with me wat would it be?xxx


I did this the other day whore ;* this is the magic of copy and paste: h/o on trent
You are such an amazing boyfriend. I know pretty much everything about you and the same goes about me for you. I could hang out with you doing nothing and not get bored. You give the best cuddles ever. We have has our ups and downs but that'a fine. You are fucking hot as asdfghjkl. You are an absolutely amazing dancer. I could spend every possible second of my life with you aha. You are seriously the best boyfriend i have ever had. You understand everything, you are loyal, you're not a player woo. You have cool clothes, i love how you ask me what you should wear haha. I love your family so much omg!!!! They're perf <333 you are so good at singing ffs. I always ask you to sing for me but you don't,aw poor me ;) nah but you normally sing when music is on. You're honestly so good at whistling ahahah. You're tiny,aw,qt. We take sexy selfies;)) nah legit all of your selfies are hot as! I have never had a bf like you before that i can be myself around,im such a retard haha. My drawings are fab,HAHAHA. You have really really really good taste in music. Aw my bitch pixie x Cole is cuter then you he's MINE. You have such a good looking family srsly. Random thing to say but true. I am honestly going to beat you at cod one day! You're so mean you always kill me :'(( but i killed you like twice ;L SHAME BITCH. Idk if I've already said this but you're always there for me. It's 11:40 at night js. I have a question on ask saying h/o on Trent so i thought ill just do it in notes lol. i a m c o o l e r t h e n y o u . You always tease me bout how i say hello in a weird way to strangers. I love the way you say hilarious its fab. Ow my cramps are killing me! Aw that just reminded me of how you brought me chocolate<33 love how you think i eat like a pig hahahaha. You polite bitch. I think about you all the time holy fuck. I have lots of fantasies as you already know. I love taylor swift she is amazing omg. Anywaaaay those snapchats you were sending me of you and quentin were crackup i screenshoted them as you would've seen. We have cute conversations someone's. ilysm. Imy :( x you have such good manners and youre so polite it's amazing!! Hahaha that video of FUCK i can't remember your older brothers name, anyway the one of him trying to say words without his lisp is crackup then your mum shouting at the end aw qts ahaha. I feel like playing guitar grr. Aw you should learn how to play songs on your ukelele and teach me ahah. You're good at skimming stones and then there's me i suck. Asdfghjkl cuddles on the beach were perf ;oo i hate it when other girls flirt with you ffs!! You can tell what mood im in youre fucking magic! You know exactly what to say at the right time. You are fucking amazing actor aswell holy shit. Aw production. Have we been going out for 1 month now?? You and josh are amazing together and then there's me and josh making everything dirty. Fuck me and Emily always h

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thought on

you are a total sweetie <33 whenever you say hi to me and smile that instantly makes me feel happy,aw thankyou xox i always see you around school hehe x you are really pretty ;* and yeah xox
Liked by: madio

thoughts on MEEEEEEEE

iotua anterea
Aw,you're so nice. Hanging out with you at primary school was crackup. You're so funny. I used to like you in year 4 o0ops. Far i used to hang out with you all the time. You were a really good friend. I haven't seen you for ages! I miss you oi x
Liked by: madio

aw u and trent are seriously the cutest couple eva!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx cute pic?

Thanks n.n xx look at his little brother hes way cuter then Trent ;)

GLADLY YOU CAN HAVE MY BODY IT'S SO WHITE HAH you're such a dumbass how do you not realize you're gorgeous so many people want to look like you m8 xx

um nobody wants to look like me ya fag ahaha.xxxxx
Liked by: Kajal

That's a thigh gap not a half thigh gap oi.. I have a gap up to where you normally have a box gap xx

I know you fucking bitch give me your body :~c x

YOU SAID YOU'D DO THOUGHTS TOMORROW IT IS TOMORROW capitals make me feel authoritive xx

when im not skyping trent i will ;*


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