
Jarvia Harrison

Ask @jarvieee

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OMG. I saw this on my feed and knew I had to say something. All got whatever your name is Jarvia has a right to say anything she wants this is her askfm! People are asking her to be honest so she is! Leave her alone. She has a right to say whatever k.

thank you so much, seriously xx
Liked by: ☀︎Caitie☀︎

How might a clothing company be able to increase its market share by advertising models with a range of body types? - people would feel more confident in buying clothes because they would know what the clothes would look like on them.

haha thanks
Liked by: Jamie_groves

omg u r twelv watever alg dont listin to those fucktards they don't have the balls to say it to ur face and fuk off haters else me n Trent will come give you a hiding bloody cunts FUK OFF HATERS!!.xx

hah thanks <3 x
Liked by: Jamie_groves

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you will be okay jarvia(: no need for the negatives. forget about those haters. not seeing your dad is a gut renching feeling but you know u still love him. loosing you bestfriends is just what happens in life. you might get them back or not but remember you still have other friends who care about u


ANONS I AM GETTING SO PISSED OF WITH YOU ALL! Jarv is so prety! She is also grown up enough to say whatever the fuck she wants! Kk? Good. She isn't bisexual!! She said she isn't so get a fucking clue! Love You! Xx

Aw,thanks hun.xox
Liked by: madio

dont give a shit what mia and petra think. if they dont accept you for who you are then theyre not worth bothering about. :))

haha dw i don't give a shit what they think otherwise there would be more drama <33 i'm just gonna hang out with my true friends,aw.x
Liked by: Jamie_groves

how the hell were were we ever your best friends if you couldnt even act yourself around us um

I was a different person when i hung out with you guys i acted like myself but just changed some things so you guys would like me, it's called trying to fit in. now go away please.
Liked by: S Y D N E Y madio


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