
Jarvia Harrison

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top 3 girls at peachgrove <3 in order xxxx

Not in order soznotzoz MiaPetraEmily/Sydney THERE'S TOO MANY!!!

thoughts on Petra and Mia?

They're actually so amazing! I love them both asdfghjkl best friends EVEEEER x PERFECT!! We have so many memories its cray x We get along so well and we can talk about anything. They ask me the weirdest question about things c;;; I love hangin out with them and stealing their clothes. They have such cool families asdfghjkl xxxx They're like my inspiration and have helped me! You guys are like sooooooo amazing ily 2 soooooooooooooo much. Im gonna stop my fingers are getting sore ;* xxx love yah long time mah bitches x

Worst word you know?

Fanny hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah OMG i actually love that word but its really gross at the same time i hate it but i don't. I say it and i start laughing. Weeew c: x

Lettuce be married youre perffffff Almost as perf as Caraaaa Ahhh

Hahaha omfg you're hilarious! Me compared to Cara if you're using cara as absolute beauty and me as ugly peace of shit it would make sense xxx

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Mia and Petra c; x

90/100 miss you :"( xx

Aww thanks ;* x I miss you too! Come over to pg and ill give ya a big hug n.n x

Omg no. You have to come :( to school and roller :(

Mum isn't letting me go to school but i will force her to go to roller and if she says no i will knock her out and run to your house c; xoxox

Txt me when ya leaving gurl xx

Idk if im coming xx Im still tired and i feel like im gonna vomit xx ill still come to roller if mum lets me, fingers crossed xxxxxxx

ew who is that madisen chick? hahahah she always likes my questions and mias stuff. ew.

I know. Hahah she kinda just stalks people its weird and then she denies it. All she wants is to be popular but that only happens if people like you. Awks, soznotzoz xxx

I feel shit. So i am just saying... Sorry for anything i havendone to you or to your life... :c x

Umm okay. This doesn't mean we're friends though

hey you amazing girl. h/o on

Asdfghjkl where do I start?! You're actually so amazing! Ily sooo much even when we have our ups and downs, but we always get through it cause that's how much we love each other ;* You will always be one of my best friends so me you and Mia at hillcrest must stick together k bby xx You have the best clothes and room ever holy shit! I tell you everything and i love the awkward questions you and Mia ask me cause you don't know how to do certain things c; xx You're one of the coolest girls I've ever met and you're crazy ily sooo much <3333 xxx

h.o on

He's so nice!! Cool, funny, i make him buy me things hahah xxx Hes lovely, tots fab and yea x I miss him

hey beautiful xxx omg ive just been thinking back on all our memories omg!! i love you heaps x your so perf oooooooooomg ! f u. xxxxx haha i miss you already babycakes ;*xxxxxx

Awe you're fucking adorable Mia ily SOO much!xxx i was looking at all our selfies the other day dayum we sexy as! ;*


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