
Jarvia Harrison

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Thoughts on me! :)

Sam Whitburn
Aw,you're so nice n.n you're funny as hahahah and rank oi at the movies staring at people while they're kissing and saying its free porn hahahahah. I m i s s y o u!! You're just straight up cool as<333
Liked by: Sam Whitburn

do you really love Emily for what she did today? wow

I like how she was straight up. Not that she lied about the cutting and suicide thing. I don't like seeing you cry but ye, i guess sometimes you have to take the shit when you go and talk behind people's back. Im just being honest here.

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She hates you and has said so much mean things about you hahaha and you will be friends with someone like that again ?

I know. But yes I would because i got along with her so well and i could tell her everything. She was my bestfriend ofc i miss her and want her back. Idc if she says mean things about me, you just have to remember people by the good and nice things they did for you. Never met anybody like her or Mia. They're both amazing girls seriously. I don't think I've ever missed two people so much. I hope they're happy, if im gone and that makes them happier then i want to stay out of their lives.
Ily both;'c
Liked by: S Y D N E Y

Would you want to be best friends with Petra again,do you miss her?x

Gonna get hate for this answer but yes to both;(( but that probably won't happen;( she doesn't like me at all!!

pic of you're face

What sort of a question is this? Hahahah. Oh and btw its your not you're just zoom biarch

thoughts on? long one bby, ily 5eva xxx

I really cbf but ill try hahah xx
You're actually so gorgeous. Your hair is perf, its soooo long. You look good in every single photo you take seriously. You have cool clothes, i love your wrangler top its cute. You are so tiny its adorable<3333 you're cool to hang with. We are tots boy stalkers. You're my bestie tbh, you're always there for me and i just noticed how much of an amazing friend you really are even after shit i would've said about you. We have the same taste in boys most of the time;))) you have a cute instagram. We take just tots fab selfies;)) selfie Monday;)) omg youre legit perf. We have funny conversations. The txts you send me sometimes oml hahahah you're such a weirdo;) you have really nice shoulders hahahahah they're so comfy, Alicia agrees with me;* we need to take more photos cause yolo. Ew i hate that word so much. Omg your dog;oo such a qt. mine! You have good taste in music. You give good hugs haha x i love how all the boys at school get pissed off at you for constantly hugging them and calling them babe and baby its hilarious. There's so many more!! But that's enough for now<333 ily Tayla xxx

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Boys high year 10 he is? She pritty, I will have no chance. Upload a pic of her??!?

Not saying who. Shes gorgeous<33

I got to boys high year 9 and my year 10 friend likes her to, but I want to be with her before he gets there. What school and year does the guy she like ?

Awkward. Boys, 10

I need help with how to get her!!! Does she like someone? Who?

Hahah yup she likes someone. Not saying who. Who are you?

I like tayla and since u guys best friends I need ur help

I love Tayla. What do you need help with? And who are you?

phicoto of you and tayla

*pic *photo
Actually that's a cool word, phicoto hahahah omg.-.
Me casually doing my hair. My hip bone whatever its called is sticking out in the top right photo it's scary ahah.
Choosing this cause its a cute photo of Tayla<333


Heheh thanks Jaz<333

so how are yo0o0ou? where have you been all my life:-cc xxxxxxxx

Meh pretty good.-. xx hby bby? Probably at home being unsociable as usuaaaal;)) i miss you;'ccc x

k so say a girl you thought was really attractive asked you out would you say yes?

Yuhp. Most likely;L please don't give me hate for this answer. But I like this boy a lot so probs wouldn't actually and the girl doesn't know me anyway. This is confusing tbh. Im lost ha.-.
Liked by: S Y D N E Y

are you bi?!

No i just find some girls extremely attractive. None of them are my friends though.-. Most are older hah.


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