
Jarvia Harrison

Ask @jarvieee

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Your really ugly.

Aha thanks, but there's no need in telling me something I already know. Oh and if you want to give me hate, why don't you just come off anon or are you one of those pussy cunts that just like to go off and lower people's self esteem with your hating words. Goodbye asshole.

Thoughts xx

Ily so much Jaz!xx You're actually amazing! So sporty asdfghjkl .-. X You're good at everything, smart!x I like that you do/used to trust me I think? We were in the same class last year, best year ever! I love hanging with you n.n x You've changed so much!x (not in a bad way)
You're actually so perfect. Your smile is sah cute with your dimples. Perfect coloured skin (sounds weird -.- )
There's sooooooooo much more but i can't be bothered sorry, love yah bye xxx

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madisen needs to leave you alone. shes crazy. you should report or block her

Hahaha nah her attempt of hate is crack up!

WTF. HOW AM I A BITCH? YOU WERE NEVER MY FRIEND! YOU BITCHED AT ME ALLLLLL THROUGH PRIMARY!! LIKE OH MY FUCKING GAWSH! We only ever hung out like 1 time out of school. At your house. And tbh it was pretty cool!

Hahahaha you think I was the bitch? Come at me, i didnt start any of the dramas it was all you, I don't even know why you treated me like that. When you came to my house you were bitching about how i was playing with my cousin like omfg get over yourself she was only like 2, ew i don't even know why i let you come over to my house to be honest. Go away i don't need, want or let you be a part of my life. The only way you're going to be a part of it is when I unfortunately see you round school.

H/o on Madisen?

Go home. Lol being your friend made me realise that I don't need bitches like you in my life.

Impersonate Mia

You're gay
Go home
Oh really?
Nah im not even smiling
Im so fat (shes fucking tiny btw!)
Come take a selfie with me
Nah Quentins hotter
*Starts rapping or making weird noises*
That's all i can think of atm xx
Liked by: Kajal madio

impersonate Petra

Oh my gosh that's crazy!
I can't believe she said that
That tops so cute
Jack c;
What are you y'all doing today?
I missed you so much!
*Starts raping me or mia*
I can't think of anymore i know there's lots more .-. Xxx


Haha im getting these questions bout mayonnaise hahahah oh my lord xx

Chhhh? Is Mia at ur house for the night?? You guys should take loads of photo's and paste them? cx

Ummm we're still not friends you realise that aye...

1)age? 2)fav colour? 3)location? 4)single? 5)virgin? 6)wear thongs? 7)gave a blowjob? 8)had anal? 9)masturbate? 10)ever been eaten out? 11)what's your sexiest underwear? 12)bra size? 13)shaven,strip or hairy ? 14) underwear and bra colour now?

12, teal, Hamilton, yup, yup, no, no, no, no, no, don't have any? 10 B, WTF?! bra: white undies: grey
Liked by: madio


Hahahah get over yourself. Shes not your friend anymore. We've been best friends since the beginning of this year so get fucked.

But You will Let Her Go At HighSchool.

We will still be friends, and no doubt we will be in the same classes cause we're smart not trying to sound vain so yeah we will be friends x

Hi sorry we don't know each other but don't you dare go telling a young 11 year old girl ( Madeline ) she's a slut and what not. It's rude, un-true,uncalled for and stupid. You're both pretty okay? Grow up. Thanks

Sorry but i don't know anybody called Madeleine ;L

Please DON'T get mad at Alana, SHE has made it CLEAR that she dosen't want to be my friend. OK? She is a really awesome person. Don't let go of her. I regret it, :(

I won't let her go hahah


Language: English