
Johndra Tackett

Part10 storytime: So then time goes on and I’m still having problems from the girl because she was still messing with him this chick has threatened to stab me and all I’m just over it I don’t know why I keep going back to him I be thinking he gonna change but I guess not you get more stories if more

If she is treating u n he won't leave her alone then its best for u to walk away from him. Bc he ain't gonna change if he keeps doing it. Once is a mistake n can b forgiving but its a choice if its more then that. N life is too short to live miserable n not to b a first choice. Live everyday like its ur last so u will live it to the fullest b we all deserve to live the way we want bc we only have 1 chance to do it in. Don't look back with regret. U deserve to have love and happiness just pike the rest of us

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Part10 storytime: So then time goes on and I’m still having problems from the girl because she was still messing with him this chick has threatened to stab me and all I’m just over it I don’t know why I keep going back to him I be thinking he gonna change but I guess not you get more stories if more

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Wow, i didnt get the full story but you should try your hardest to LEAVE if you got threating that you will be hurt, there is nothing more you need to leave and make a new life, happier life. You deserve the best, your worth everything. Don't stay were there is non stop violance. I know it's hard but if they didnt learn the first time. THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE no matter how much YOU want them too. It's hard to leave a toxic relationship, i know. But where there is a will, there is a way. I wish nothing but good luck to you.

Language: English