
Kayla Raspolich

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Latest answers from Kayla Raspolich

Anyone know of any good dating apps? lol

Okcubid can be good. I’ve used it before, I like the setup. But like any dating sites they all can have issues

Watermelon with salt: yay or nay?

I’ve never had that! Doesn’t sound appealing to me. I’d have to say nay

Mann that sounds amazing lol And then ride horses in your spare time? Sounds nice lol Well I know I’m trapped with you… but am I still a part of you? 😂

gingerbreadguy2’s Profile PhotoGingy
I don’t have much spare time between work and my horses🤣 but it’s nice! I love my horses and play games with my friends everyday! And yes, yes you are. I like gingerbread cookies🤣🤣

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