

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Under your watch? What are you? A control freak or something? I'm afraid that's not the right way to maintain a relationship, darling. Try harder :)

Tell that to those two long lasted relationships I had in the past 6 years :-)
Liked by: Lisa

this is not a hate question. cuma mau nanya aja. kalo partner lo yg dah bertahun2 pacaran ma lo tiba2 di suatu saat berubah fisiknya (naik berat badan, jerawat parah, dll) / emosinya. lalu ada org baru oke yg deketin lo saat itu. lo pilih stay with the existing atau move to the new pretty one?

I would move on under these circumstances:
1. They're emotionally unstable and doing verbal or physical abuse to me
2. They're not willing to change
3. They won't talk about their problem
4. They're being denial about their problem
As you can see, physical change wouldn't affect my relationship since I always make sure my partner will always look good under my watch.

Yakin mau poliandri? Are you sure you can satisfy two men or more at the very same time? Yang ada tar mereka malah jadi homo ketika dah bosen ama lo pfffftttt....

If I could attract people that much I'd rather keep them as slave rather than life partners.
Liked by: pit Nurul Huda

Nan, looks like everyone likes or maybe loves your boyf. By the looks of it, he is the heart of the party kind of guy, am I right? I was wondering, don't you get jealous sometime?

I do. In fact, I get jealous most of the time even I don't react much to it.
As long as everyone knows their place, I won't throw any disaster.

kak minta info tentang kriteria masuk design interior itu apa aja/? nilai nilai apa aja yg diliat/? atau ada les untuk bisa masuk kesitu/?

Tahukah kamu sistem penerimaan masuk perguruan tinggi negeri sesungguhnya masih menjadi misteri bagi khalayak umum?
You only know that you are accepted or not, tanpa diberi tahu hasil nilai tes ujian ataupun ranking. So basically I can't really define what it takes to go into certain major in PTN. In fact, nobody can. If they do, they just predict it while you don't really know whether it's right or wrong.


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