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Ask @lalunax999

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What did you have for breakfast this morning?

1 Nutrition Bar - Blueberry Flavor.
2 Frosted Mini Donuts
1/2 of bottle water
1 Toasted White Mocha Frappuccino

What is your favorite song

I don’t currently have one since I play the same 3 songs 😂 I need new music tho :(

what's one thing men do that you cannot stand?

why do they pee on the toilet rim and not clean it up afterwards ? Like is it that hard to quickly wipe it ? 🙃

How does my hair look? As for the color, length and style? Also would you consider it wavy or straight? Do you think it suits me? Click on my profile picture to expand my photo.

baddestbaddiex’s Profile PhotoMichelle Anderson
It’s just a black screen rn sooo idk

If you see really cute person in public place standing alone , what do you do ?

Acknowledge they’re cute and continue with my life lmao.

If a guy brags to friends about having sex with another girl when he has a girlfriend, does that mean he thinks the other girl is prettier than his girlfriend or does it mean that the girl is uglier than his girlfriend?

It really doesn’t matter who is prettier. The fact he even cheated while in a relationship then brags about it to friends, says a lot more. Plus sometimes it’s an ugly girl who they cheat on because all they wanted was sex. Sometimes it’s just a cute girl who gave them the time of day and they fell for it. It really doesn’t matter.

What’s the most embarrassing experience you’ve ever had during college/university?

None because I didn’t attend college lol (:


Language: English