

Ask @lizzietpollicafy0929

what is the most obvious sign of love? 😙😘

if you like the faults of your loved one, or you just do not pay attention to them, then it's very similar to love))

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Do you have a favorite track?

a lot of different ones, there's no one special. currently - The Weeknd "Starboy"

What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

i wouldn't trust most vegans to look after my pets

What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

i wouldn't trust most vegans to look after my pets

What are your three favorite songs?

hop hey la la ley, where is the question and where is the answer. 7 11111 I do not know. a bunch of favorite ones

How to become popular on ask.fm?

subscribe to people who have a lot of likes, Like their posts and hope that they will Like you back

Only some of us are able to follow our heart. This is what makes people happy. Are you happy?



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