

Ask @lucas_breckenridge14

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What’s in your mind right now ?

What's in the mind of damn near every man at every given time of day: Sex.

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Would you give someone tips on how to look better, dress better, or have better mannerisms if they are naturally beautiful but lack that 'shine', kinda like a diamond in the rough? would you help that person be better?

No because I'm not the best person to give beauty tips. If you could see me, you'd understand

Do you by any chance pretend to work at the company you work for? Does anybody fake it?

No I do actually work for the company I work for. If I didn't, I wouldn't have my job for very long

Has anyone ever pretended to be someone else online and you ended up finding out who it was?

Most likely, but I've never found out who it was irl

Is it okay to sell girlfriend pictures?

😬 Personally I would not, but it's up to you, as their in your possession. Your girlfriend may have a different say

Do you take advantage of being able to wear underwear for 4 days? (Front, back, inside out, then front and back on the last day)

No I've never done that. I must admit I've worn the same pair for more than just one day.

What’s the difference between me and you?

You have friends and most likely have dated someone in the past

Would you date someone if you knew they had different political views than you?

Good question! I most likely would, but can't say as to whether or not the relationship would work out

Have you ever been with someone that the people around you didn’t approve of?

No. I've never been with anyone. Yet I pray

Have you ever been in a situation where the people around you believed in you but you didn’t believe in yourself or the complete opposite?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
All the time

Do you usually get 8 hours of sleep or is it typically more or less than that?

I try to get at least 8 hours

Do you believe in God

With all my heart, and I'd be an idiot not to. He's been proven to be real time and time again

is it okay to hug someone else of the opposite gender while committed in a relationship?

Well I would hope so


Language: English