

Ask @m18730475026

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When was the last time you really opened up to someone? How’d it turn out ?

The last time I opened my heart was probably in May, when I told my Chinese teacher about my troubles. She comforted me by saying, "Don't care what other people think, just do what you think is right."

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

In Chinese. Never forget your own language.

If you could sit on a park bench, and have a conversation with any person alive, or dead, from any time in history who would it be?

irievibz fortweny
Soaku Kobayashi. I want to go to a school like Ba Gakuen.

Give people as much as they give to you, don’t waste your 100% for their 10%

Do not blindly rely on others do not blindly please others, do not blindly selfless dedication forget their own advantages.

Tell me something I don't know

Liked by: 暖咩咩

👋 What's the best advice you know about relationships?

I'll recommend you an ancient poem from the Book of Songs. Take a look at this and you'll understand.

Honest and honest farmer young man, embrace the coin to buy silk. It's not really buying silk, find a chance to talk about marriage. Sent lang to qi water west, to the tang qiu feelings yi. It's not I wish to miss good times, you have no matchmaker faux pas. Wang lang Hugh will lose his temper, autumn comes to marry. Climb up the stack and break the wall and look at it. customs in the clouds, see not a thousand lines of tears. The lover came back from the customs, said and laughed. You go to the gods without a bad omen. Catch your car and carry my dowry for me. When the leaves of mulberry trees are not falling, they are covered with green grass. Hush those turtledoves, don't put mulberries in your mouth. Oh, young girls, don't love men. If a man falls in love with you, it is too easy to lose. If a woman loves a man, she wants to get away from him. The mulberry leaves fell, yellow haggard left to sway. Three years have been miserable since she married to your house. The water water sent me back, the water splash car curtains wet and wet. My wife is not wrong, it is your man too bad. Capricious may be tricky. After three years of marriage, we should keep the women's way, and do nothing to do with the housework. It's not hard to get up early and go to bed late. Who knows the family industry has become, gradually to show violence to me. Brother doesn't know my situation, everyone sees me haha. Calm down to think carefully, alone hurt god tears dark throw. When he swore to have a white head, now not old heart first worry. The waves of qi and water have a shore, but the marshes are wide and end. Think back to a little when much joy, talk and laugh between the gentle. Vows of eternal love is still in the ear, which will turn against the enemy. Don't think back to the affair, when it is over, give up!

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Liked by: 暖咩咩

Can you give me $1,000 because I'm poor 💔😔

Why don't you go earn your own money? What kind of a man asks for money? Are you a beggar? There is an old saying: "Eat your own food and sweat your own sweat. Depend on heaven, depend on the ground, depend on parents, not a hero "let alone ask others for money, you don't have backbone? Mencius also said: 'A handful of rice to eat, a handful of rice to eat, a handful of rice to eat. Hurl and with it, the doer of the word receive; Cuer and with it, begging disdain also. Wan Zhong accepts it without argument. How can WAN Zhong add to me?"
Liked by: 暖咩咩

Do you prefer summer or winter?

In winter, you can watch the snow and make a snowman and have snowball fights.

i have a questions 👻 What songs make you smile and feel happy?

It's an anime song, of course
Play with the devil
You will find peace in your staff
Play with the devil
You will find peace in your staff
Play with the devil
You will find peace in your staff
Look at the world with blazing eyes
Blink without frowning
Play with the devil
You will find peace in your staff
Look at the world with blazing eyes
Blink without frowning
Little monkey head big alternative
Word of mouth in heaven and earth
The hand is the baby
Who am I afraid of between heaven and earth
The Monkey King is perfect
Huaguoshan stone gold hui
The Monkey King is so beautiful
Beauty is in doing
Who am I afraid of between heaven and earth

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Liked by: 暖咩咩

Whom would you call, if you were allowed to make just one last phone call?

You mean the end of the world? If the end of the world comes, I will call my parents, because they are my family, and I will say goodbye to them.


Language: English