
Henry Manampiring

Ask @manampiring

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How do you feel about public speaking?

Not my natural comfort zone. But I can do it competently enough at work situations.

here http://ask.fm/manampiring/answer/117905241220, Om said Om disbelieve in fate. how about kematian, Om? apakah itu kejadian random? kita terus diwanti berolahraga dlm upaya memperpanjang umur tapi ada yang bilang tanggal kematian sudah ditentukan bahkan sebelum lahir. Mohon pencerahannya, Om.

I don't believe in fate, which automatically means I don't believe in predetermined date of death either.
Your death is a function of two big variables.
(1) Life expectancy, which is a function of many things: genetics, lifestyle, race, etc. You have some control here if you control your lifestyle/diet.
(2) Randomness. No control whatsoever. You are healthy and fit, and then one day jalan2 di pantai ketimpa kelapa. Mati. Just pure random event.

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Yang diabetes2 itu maksudnya apaaaa????? Aku gangertiiii....... Jelasin om :"(

Itu tes IQ. Kalo gak ngerti ya nasib....

Sejauh ini, aplikasi android terbaik buat edit foto dan video yang pernah om coba apa aja? Rekomendasi-nya dong om :).

untuk video saya kurang tahu. Untuk foto: Snapseed. User interfacenya unik, dan yang paling bagus: ada selective adjustment. Kadang2 kita hanya ingin nerangin sebelah muka aja, misalnya, gak seluruh foto, Snapseed bisa dengan mudah.

Om Piring, website survey yg biasa dipake utk survey2 selama ini apa yah? Surveymonkeys kah? Atau ada yang lebih oke? Thanks in advance!

Beta Yunaswati
Surveymonkey rasanya oke kok. Tapi ada yg lain juga kayaknya dari google.

How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologise ?

Put the person on my mental note, and just ignore his existence if possible.

Salah satu/dua/tiga dst.. cara untuk menemukan passion ?

Try to do as many things, stick with those which can make you lose time. And giggle.

(4) rasanya gak ikhlas kalo apa yg selama ini dia lakuin ke aku, dia lakuin lagi ke cewe barunya. Dia romantis bgt :( Apa selama ini perasaannya cm pura pura? Apa dia pernah beneran sayang aku? Maaf om questionnya kepanjangan, kalo berkenan jawab di sini aja :( tolong jawab ya om

Stop whining and reminiscing. What's gone is gone. Stop questioning and just live on.

if you need to get drunk tonight to just forget all your problems, what would be your poison?

I'm actually pretty cheap and easy.
Anything mixed with vodka. Gin tonic. Jack D Cola.
Hell, Bintang is good anytime.

kalau kisah hidup kamu dijadikan film, siapa aktor/aktris yang cocok memerankan diri kamu?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Kakanda kan nggak percaya karakter berdasar zodiak. Kalau karakter berdasar golongan darah percaya nggak?

Haduh itu juga kagak. Gak pernah ada studi validasi kuantitatif (pembuktian statistik) bahwa ada kepribadian berbeda sesuai golongan darah. Ini namanya "pseudoscience": ide yang 'terkesan' ilmiah tetapi tidak terbukti. Walaupun ada saja kemungkinan bahwa golongan darah yang berbeda membuat struktur otak yg berbeda (sehingga kepribadian berbeda), tapi hal ini tidak pernah bisa dibuktikan.
Dan karenanya, gw memilih tidak percaya sampai ada bukti berikut :)

Om Piring percaya teori evolusi :D?

Bukan "percaya", tapi simply menerima. Sama aja kayak menerima adanya "gravitasi". Teori Evolusi bukan sesuatu untuk "dipercaya" atau tidak (seperti hantu, monster Loch Ness, dll). Sayangnya penggunaan kata "theory" dalam science berbeda dengan penggunaan sehari2, jadi banyak orang bingung. :)

Om masa grgr aku panggil om piring "om" trs katanya aku suka om-om LAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KAN CUMA NG ASKKKKKKKKKK ._. Mau panggil bang disangka sok kenal, panggil kak kemudaan, panggil dek kurang ajar, panggil apa dong om??

Udah pernah gw bahas. Panggil gw "KAKANDA"

om piring :'( mirip banget sih sama om om gebetan aku :'( baca ask.fm nya om piring jadi kangen sama om yang sono. cowok yang lebih tua apakah cenderung menjaga kedekatan yang spesial sih om? meskipun dia tahu aku suka dan dia anggap aku adek atau anak katanya huaaaaaaa :'''''''(


You are granted one last meal before execution by lethal injection. What would you request, in detail?

Nasi campur Kenanga (yang asli, bukan yang cabang). Tanpa kuping.
Ice cold Bintang to go with.
Es krim wijen hitam.
Gin tonic. Double. To give me the last dignity, and giggles, before death.
Liked by: Splendid Angharad

what is Android-wielding bipedal primate?

Humans belong to primate family, and we walk upright (bipedal). And I use Android. Hence the description.

Do you believe in fate or do you believe that the future is predicted by actions ?

Neither. I don't believe in "fate" as pre-written events. But I also do not believe in actions completely controlling the future. You are missing one important element: randomness. Pure, indiscriminate, chaotic randomness. The sooner we can accept this, the easier we reach peace, and the better we prepare.

Untuk mencapai sesuatu inginkan / sukai, mana yang lebih utama passion atau talent ?

Like many things in life, either/or question is misleading. The reality is, it takes both. There are people whose passion (hardwork) compensates their talent. There are people whose great talent shines effortlessly.

Do you believe in the life after death (and what so called the judgment day)? How will it be, do you personally think?

I personally couldn't be bothered less whether it existed or not.
But if there was afterlife and it was up to me, they'd better provide Xbox One and PS4 there. And gin.

Om cewek yang "menarik" versi om henry tuh yang kayak gimana? Dr fisik sampe personalitynya harus yang gimana?

Pengalaman sih fisik gak ada yg spesifik. Kalo ditanya, in general I like long hair and long legs.
Kepribadian: yg pasti gak klemer2. I like 'em feisty. Great sense of humor is a must, males kalo tell a joke and she doesn't get it...

Om dulu pernah ada di keadaan yg agamawi(yg gitu deh sok relijius) ga? Terus kalo pernah, gara2 apa ahirnya berubah?

Pernah. Waktu remaja-kuliah.
Berubahnya jujur lupa persis kenapa, karena tidak ada faktor tunggal. Tapi yang paling kuat penyebabnya karena banyak membaca topik2 filsafat dan sains. Sejak itu saya memilih menjadi humanis dan spiritual ketimbang "relijius"

Kak, aku punya pacar, tapi kita LDR. Dulu aku nngerasa dia sayang bgt sm aku tp sejak ldr dia kayak punya cewe lain trs kita putus. Pertanyaannya, cowo kalo bosen apa selalu cari cewe lain? Apa yg bikin cowo bosen? Dan apa cowo beneran bisa sayang sm seseorang atau cm buat muasin nafsu semata?

Generally I don't believe in LDR, although there are exceptions. Physical closeness (not necessarily sexual) is important for our species. Having said that, men are of course capable of deep affection, not only lust.

So, tell me, what are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

You are responsible for your own happiness, not other people.
Is your job your passion? Well done. If it isn't, it's also okay. You can still be happy.
Of all things you can learn in college, here are the two most important lessons for career success: how not to be a prick, and public speaking.
Your body is your life. If your body is not fit and healthy, you don't have a life. Spend money and time for health.
Don't be selfish douche. But also don't worry too much about other people's opinion. Find balance. I
Read. You will be smarter, and you can engage in conversations. And probably get laid too.
Don't be religious. Be spiritual. Know the difference.
Respect science. Your life depends on it.
Be nice and courteous to all people. Say thank you and smile to waiters, store staffs, anyone who helps you.
Invest in quality friends, not superficial acquaintances.
If it is only 3 stories, take the stairs, not elevator.
Occasionally, do charity/volunteer work. Not to get rewards in heaven, but to share your blessing. Give because you have received, not because you expect something.
Be nice to your parents, lest you regret it when they are gone.
You will break someone's heart, and yours by someone else. That's a fact of life. Suck it up.
Don't be too serious. We are all dead someday.
If you think someone you meet look nice today, say it so. You may just make someone's day.
Don't overeat. Cut sugar.
Don't bully people. In real life or online.
Karma has a powerful weapon. It's called social media.
Often times shit happens. Just random. Not because of what you did in the past, or gods hate you. Life has a lot of randomness. Acknowledge it.
Often time luck happens. Just random. Not because of what you did in the past, or gods love you. Life has a lot of randomness. Acknowledge it. Stay humble.

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If you were lucky enough to win the lottery, what would you do ?

Retire from current job. Use some of the money as capital for social-business (profit making with social impact). Rest of money as cushion if the business fails.
Liked by: vipertongue Andika

Om, yg menentukan diterimanya seseorang kalau apply kerja lebih ke apanya?

Beberapa faktor berikut, in no particular order:
Confidence di interview
Kesesuaian pengalaman dng vacancy
Resume yg stabil (tidak gonta-ganti pekerjaan keseringan)
Gaji yang diminta
Tepat waktu saat datang interview
Pertanyaan2 cerdas
Reputasi yang didengar dari orang lain
Tampang/fisik yang menarik


Language: English