

Ask @melisacya

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what are you doing for summer? like camps n summer school

i am very excited for this summer because i'm visiting my mom in LA like always, and then i have an internship which will be very interesting!
Liked by: Gaby

how do you not procrastinate do you have any tips on how to balance life?

i actually do procrastinate but probably not as much as most people do, but i think it's because i kind of developed this thing where i want to get my work done as soon as possible. last year, i slept super late and only started my homework when most people were going to bed and i ended up being kind of unhappy and tired everyday so i decided to do something different this year and it's really paying off! what i do is whenever i have free time (like in flex or if there's extra time in class) i'll be working on homework that is kind of easy so that i have less to do when i get home and i can just sit down and work for an hour to get everything done! i also maximize time on bus rides because they make up like an hour and a half of my day so i'll normally read apush or do some work that doesn't require internet. i end up sleeping around 9 so i feel really refreshed everyday and then i can focus better in school.
i think one big tip on balancing life is realizing that school is not everything and that grades don't define who you are. some people stay up past midnight all the time studying for class but then you just end up exhausted, and i don't think that's what daily life should be like. as long as you try to manage your time and slowly improve on procrastinating less, things should get better. also it's good to make time for friends and family because working all the time is no fun! maintaining friendships in high school is somewhat hard because everyone has different work schedules but it's still very important. that is all i can think of right now but if i think of something else i'll add more!!

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hay. -victoria

[3/10/14 7:36:43 PM] victoria∞: u are a h9r
[3/10/14 7:36:48 PM] victoria∞: even more than a h8r
[3/10/14 7:36:52 PM] victoria∞: gosh
so lame

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melisa please don't listen to the people that are saying you are not friendly because maybe it's just their opinion i mean everyone has a different one and if it even matters i'd say that you are quite friendly and accepting of everyone and that you are also very interesting

this is a well thought out statement and thank you for taking the time and effort to type this out to me this is very sweet and meaningful ((: much love to you
Liked by: Cleet Wrzesinski

THAT ANON IS SO SILLY have they met you....you are so friendly and cute and outgoing that anon must be living in a world made of opposite days (does this make any sense, anyways im trying to compliment you i love you)

traci you are the sweetest!!!! and yOU need to remember how great you are too as well gosh it took you so long to say something positive about yourself! don't forget that you have soooo many good qualities (much much more than you seem to think you have) also thank you for this ((:

which taobao stores do u like the most? :3

ah idk! i don't keep track of stores because i am so bad at that and then i feel like if i do i will never ever stop buying things that i don't need but are nice looking so instead i kind of just search things up if i feel like i need to buy something or if there's something in particular that i want, so that way i won't spend TOO much!

you don't try to make conversation with the guys... if anything you are a little edgy with the guys.

well someone's feisty! firstly who are "the guys" because like what?? who?? also in general i think i am quite friendly unless you catch me at a bad time and i do have good guy friends that i will talk to on a regular basis so idk man... also the word edgy encompasses many things what do you mean please explain i am genuinely curious

are u able to hold an actual conversation with ur guy friends?

yes of course! all it takes to hold an actual conversation is effort and general interest in talking so i think it's really not that hard. i actually attempt to make conversation with people at lunch a lot like asking them how their day has been and stuff because why not!

where do u get ur clothes? :3 (if ya dont mind me asking) cuz ur taste in clothing is absolutely amazing.

thank you!!! lately i have been shopping strictly on taobao because i can now buy all my stuff on my own without needing a chinese credit card and all that, and also because everything is insanely cheap! i'm honestly getting addicted though like for the past month i've been getting like five new things a week

what is your favorite thing to cook/?/

pasta!!! i eat pasta almost every day and it is so simple to cook and i think it's really delicious but also that one time i made crab cakes bc that was the greatest thing ever

how is your sophomore year so far?

it is actually really good and i like being a sophomore! this year i have been so on top of everything and have just gotten all my work done and slept early and balanced school with fun stuff and i've gotten a lot of time to myself and time to be with people i want to be around and it's great :))

Melisa! You're always so friendly to me and you train like a freaking beast in the gym! I hope to lift as much as you one day :)

Davis Newman
aw this is so nice ((: actually the same goes for you with your big smiles and hardcore lifting
Liked by: Davis Newman

can u let me raid ur wardrobe soon before you fly off for winter brek - ur loving neighbour

finee loser come over on friday/saturday! also only if i get your boots ok

does jaret being mormon affect your relationship

hmm so in the beginning it was really tough because his mom had to always check to make sure my dad was home when jaret came over except my dad is never home so we couldn't really hang out much and stuff but it's gotten way better since then! he's still not sixteen though and its been over a year oops
Liked by: JiSup Kim

tbh i met you at the gym! you were really nice and i remember how you couldnt get the treadmill to work ahaha i think i also saw you at storm!

ahaha yea i remember that! mmhm i saw you at storm too with sophie (that loser) as well ((:
Liked by: lizzie

tbh you're actually the cutest and I'm so happy I've gotten to know you over the past two years. You have an amazing ability to bring up topics we've literally just finished talking about haha exciting for track with you <3

aw ahaha track is going to be great! more liza head tilt photos for sure
Liked by: Davis Newman Liza

Who do you think dresses the best in your grade?

ahh so many people i can't name them all! i really like the way my friends dress though because they all have great style and clothes ((:

I loved rooming with you in guam and dealing with Vanessa's craziness/ funniness. We honestly have the weirdest conversations and you definitely know the most about me out of everyone of my friends. You are also super duper cute and i want all your clothes and your tiny little feet k bye loser

aw ((: well here's a highly attractive friendship photo of us circa last year's guam
Liked by: Alec R Gaby

tbh you are one of my best friends. I literally can't stop laughing when i'm with you, like after being with you for like 10 minutes my stomach is aching and my eyes are tearing up. You send me the best music ever...and i love jamming out with you to dem sexay songs ( by dem black males)

oh my god the laughing thing is so true i end up crying all the time
Liked by: Gaby

tbh you are the funniest person omg, i love talking to you about crafts, pinterest, doodles, food, physics, awkwardness basically everything you just get me! im sososo happy we have classes because you are so fun to talk to and adorable and stylish and perfect and i could go onandon! yourethebestily

you are my favorite
Liked by: JiSup Kim

melisa tbh i can't stand your cuteness its too much. you're so chill and i love when you turn your fan girl mode on. also you're so responsible and you have good style and youre so involved and you get good grades and your laugh is adorable and youre so fit and man.. you just have it together. how

Rebecca Costa
ahh love you (((: but its ok my life is not very together (fake it till u make it)
Liked by: Rebecca Costa Traci

how is singapore melsa

so ridiculously hot and humid over here it's crazy! i've been shopping loads and eating great singaporean food and visiting relatives and all that fun stuff but i seriously bought so much stuff omg

how tall are you?

i feel like i got this question already this week with the whole "midget height qualifications" thing but since i have to answer it again i will sadly admit that i'm like 5'2 :((
Liked by: Ben Cherry

your parents are divorced?! ;c what happened? D:

thanks for the concern and all but i'm not willing to discuss this publicly ahaha

how do you even shop on taobao tho? like what do you search

omg so many people ask me this and i don't even know
like i can't even read chinese i just somehow manage to find great things i guess??
but be warned because half of taobao is amazing cheap things and then the other half is straight up weird
Liked by: catherine kwon

skype convo to describe gaby

[11/16/13 10:41:42 AM] Gaby: I'm gonna look like a dyke
[11/16/13 10:41:44 AM] Gaby: but wtv
[11/20/13 10:05:08 PM] Gaby: goddamit i need a man
[11/20/13 10:05:10 PM] melisa: its not black dudes though sorry
[11/20/13 10:07:31 PM] Gaby: U LIED THIS IS DE BLACK MALE
[11/25/13 12:32:18 PM] Gaby: holy jesus christ
[11/25/13 12:35:08 PM] Gaby: what a sexy beast
[11/25/13 12:35:10 PM] Gaby: honestly
[11/25/13 12:38:00 PM] Gaby: my heart is doing that thing
[11/25/13 8:25:05 PM] Gaby: HAHAHAHIAEJH,FSDKBJDOKJS
Liked by: Jaret Allred Gaby

skype convo to describe traci ha

[11/25/13 12:07:32 PM] Traci: I'm so bummed i tried to find cactus cookie cutters on taobao but there were no legitimate results
[11/25/13 12:07:36 PM] Traci: life is hard
[11/25/13 9:52:56 PM] Traci: no conflict lets stop
[11/26/13 9:29:02 PM] Traci: haheehoohahooohaheehaohahohaheeeho
and here's a bonus traci selfie

On 11/24/13, at 10:46 PM, Jaret: > we're gonna all place our scrotums on her head and say "feel the sac" rhytmically til she cries

i do not understand how to respond to this
Liked by: Briana CAITLIN Gaby

what shops do u shop at

already answered oh but i love to hit up thrift stores and flea markets and all that because junk is cool and they always have a ton of great stuff to buy aaand on a side note i'm excited to shop this weekend cuz i'm going to singapore!
Liked by: Briana


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