

Ask @miaputriard

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Apa yang membuat 'dia' nya kamu spesial?

He's tall, genius, sweet, kind, friendly and the list could go on and on. I like him because he's tall. He always bring tissues to wipe his' sweat because of his house is far from college. I thought he was too quiet, but, no, he doesn't. He talk too much if you get pretty close with him. I don't know why I like him a lot. I love the way he do a speech. I love the way he talk in English. I love the way he explain something to other people. I love the way he wore suit, tie and also glasses. I love the way he laugh. I love the way he look at me and said to me a 'hi!'. I love the way he do a chit chat with me. I just don't need a reason to like him this much. He always make my jaw hanging because of what he have done. He's a genius, totally genius. Sometimes, I feel nervous af if I'm doing a speech and there was him near me, I'm just afraid I'm doing it wrong. Every time I feel so insecure when he was standing near me. I'm kinda jealous when he go to college/home with his' girl-friend. Because, his' friends are mostly girls and the boys just 2-3 people. For now I really like him a lot, I mean A LOT. I don't know does he like me either or not. But I'm really hoping he does. He's amazing. He's special. He's the one who I'd like to love for unlimited times. I just wanna be close with him. I just don't know why I'm jealous. I just don't know why I'm too afraid to lose him. I just don't know why I'm expecting too much for him. I just don't know why I'm selfish for hoping that he's mine. Just don't know. Because he's irreplaceable. And he's, yes, special. I like you a lot, Katilem.

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Kak Mia, kenal sama Kak Pratikto? Kalau kenal, coba describe sama impers ya kak :)

Hmmm. Kak Tito ya? Tau kokkk hehe.
Kak Tito orangnya baik banget, tinggi, jenius, hobi makan. Tapi keseringan aku liat kak Tito mainnya sm cewek terus. Kak Tito rumahnya jauh banget naik busway. Aku sm kak Tito 1 himpunan dan kak Tito kadiv aku. Kak Tito Kalo ngerjain sesuatu itu dengan baik bgt, artinya kak Tito itu ngerjain Segala sesuatu itu dengan sungguh22. Pokoknya semaksimal mungkin yang dia bisa. Aku jarang ngobrol sih sm kak Tito, jd impersonatenya dikit Aja ya:
"Mi, Kabarin ke Anak 14 ya"
"Mi, jangan lupa dtg workshop ya Kasih tau temen-temennya juga"
"Mi tolong share ke grup 14 ya"
"Mi saya boleh minta tolong SMS mama saya gak?"
"Ada kelas Mi?"

Move on kali neng dr dicky, dicky udeh berkeluarga Kaga usah lu usik" lg ngapa

Ini anon-anon kenapa pada ungkit-ungkit masa Lalu terus sih? Udah lah, Kalo gak tau apa-apa tuh Gausah bikin statement sendiri. Kapan sih aku pernah curhat tentang dicky? Aku tau dia udh berkeluarga, tapi Kadang mamanya dicky itu suka ngajak aku makan bareng. Apalagi sm abangnya, sebelum kenal sama dicky kan aku deket banget sm abangnya. Lagi pula dicky kan di Brisbane neng. Aku jg ga pernah gangguin dicky kok. Coba aku Tanya, kapan aku pernah ngusik dicky? Mana buktinya? Aku tau, aku gak mungkin ganggu dicky lah. Kamu mendingan ketemuan Aja yuk sini sama aku. Aku jelasin semuanya Dari awal sampe akhir biar pikiran kamu terbuka jd gak asal judge Aja ya mb/Mz/kak/Dek.

lu jomblo sampe se-desperate itu apa gmn dah ? Sampe msh ngejar" Hugo gitu. Nyadar diri ngapa lu woyy

Iya aku jomblo tp ga desperate. Ngejar-ngejar? Kapan? Justru malah Hugo yg masih bolak-balik ngontact aku. Padahal aku udh berkali-Kali bilang Kalo Kita udh punya jalan masing-masing. Tp dia tetep Aja ngehubungin aku. Kamu Kalo gak tau apa-apa jgn bikin statement sendiri. Ah ini mah paling Kalo ga gebetannya Hugo, ya cewek yg lg suka sama Hugo. Baik22 ya aku bilangin, Cari tau dulu tuh Hugo lg pacaran apa engga. Nanti kamu cmn jd pelampiasan doang. Nanti galau :(.

Bs gk sih lo jauhin Rayi? Bilangnya udh mantan tp masih jln brg, mau lo apa sih? Hah? Ganjenan bgt jd cewek iyuh

Gini ya mb/Mz/kak/Dek, Rayi sama aku itu udah Lebih dr sekedar Sahabat. Ya, memang aku sm Rayi dulunya pernah Bersama. 2 tahun. Tentu Saja tidak bisa dilupakan begitu Saja. Aku sama Rayi udah kayak Abang sm Adek. Kita ga Akan bersatu lg, Karena Kita masing22 tau Kalo sesuatu yang gak bisa berlanjut, gak baik juga Kalo dipaksakan. Makanya aku sama Rayi masih lumayan sering jalan bareng Karena aku cmn pengen sekedar menjaga komunikasi yang baik Aja. Gak Lebih. Lagian aku gak pernah loh ngajak Rayi jalan, selalu dia yang ngajak aku. Kalo ga Percaya kamu boleh Tanya sm Rayi. Udah ya, jangan marah-marah terus ah. Hehe.

Describe "dia"-nya km dong

He's tall, kinda fat, nice, genius. I love his' British accent when he do a convo in English. He's nice as a senior. Always smile if I met him. Almost all of his' friends are girl, that kinda make me jealous sometimes. His charisma, always did my jaw hanging. I love the way when he wearing his glasses. It's sexy! I told you before that I love a boy with glasses. He's tall and I love it! I love tall boy! Oh, and one more. He's sweet like he fell into durians pool. Adaw.

When I love someone...

I'll be his first person for just saying "good morning" in text/chat. And then when we meet, I wanna hold his hand and lay my head upon his' shoulder. When I'm scared, I'll ask him to accompany me. I'm also being a jealousy girl in positive way, not the possessive way bcs I hate everything that kinda over. I'll love him from my deepest feeling in my heart, make him my one of priorities, always trying to make him comfort with me and I'll work to reach him thru call if we're apart. In fact, I'm not easy bored person, if I love you, I guarantee my love is flawless and deep.

How do you know that you're in love?

My heart beat is uncontrolled when I see him.
I can't even stare at him.
Nervous all the time.
Being insecure af.
Overthinking and worrying too much.

long thought me!! huuu ke anon

nisernd’s Profile PhotoAnnisa Erninda
Emon itu orgnya seru banget. Pendengar yang baik. Seneng bgt Kalo udh ngobrol sm emon setidaknya direkomen tempat makan hihi. Terus Gaya bicaranya Lucu. Aku suka bgt Kalo emon udh nyeritain sesuatu dgn ekspresi yg super gemasshh. Terus kerudungnya jg warna warni gt ulala. Sohib nanda bgt dah pokoknya. Suka bgt sm so7 om duta is all of her life. And so7 are thing that she would sacrifice for dah pokoknya mah. Eh btw kamu blm cerita yg tentang kakak itu tauuuu. Ayodong cerita!!!

setelah mengenal diriku berbulan bulan, bisa dong ngasih a longgg describe about me. thanku Mi!

wldrdits’s Profile PhotoWilda Radita
Mau jawab kayak buat Cecil td tp takut kualat...
Okay, here we go.
Kak Wilda itu Mantannya banyak bgt. Wait, lemme underline the "banyak" word. Asal diajak pergi kmn gt pasti ngmg "ga ah nanti inget mantan" or "ga ah nanti ketemu mantan". Terus suaranya badai ulala wuzzz. Kalo ga pake lipstick merah merona mah bukan kak Wilda namanya. Trs Kalo curhat sm kak Wilda, dikasih advice yg bener22 slap me in my face Beuh Ntap. Best friend kak anti bgt yg badai jg. Terus baik bgt. Pendengar setia jg. Hobi kuliner jg ya kak? Tapi jgn sampe bikin kak Wilda bête. Embikoz bakalan ada world war yg berkelanjutan. Ok? Sip!

Loooooonngg thoughts on me dong hehehehe. Have a great sunday! :3

Hai Cecil ini aku reanswer ya embikoz aku tak tega pada dirimu.
Cecil itu orangnya sangat baik dan sangat lemot pastinya. Terus Kadang jg suka berbagai cerita masalah hati gitu. Cecil kecil22 Flingsnya banyak. Aku Aja kalah :'). Terus dia Kalo dibilang lemot malah ketawa dan ngomong "aku malah seneng dibilang lemot". Ya Allah Cecil ini emang super sekali ya anaknya. Suka bgt bobo di sekret trs Pendengar yang baik juga. Terus Kadang Kalo aku lg cerita dia suka sepi gt kupingnya jd aku harus me mulai cerita from the beginning. Untung sayang ya aku Cil. Muah! Pokoknya Cecil harus jd Anak yg baik22 ya!

denger-denger adam lemper mau ke indo yak?

It's Adam Levine, not Adam lemper. If youre talking about is the first one, so the answer is: IYAAAAA!!!! Ah ya Allah ga punya uang banget nih banyak bgt pengeluaran bulan kmrn sampe bbrp bulan kedepan ini ya Allah. Mana promotornya ganti, venuenya di ICE, kisaran harga Tiketnya 1-3jt, dijualnya mei, Konsernya h-1 Sblm ulang tahun aku. Ya Allah sedih bgt dah ah. (Lah jd curhat)
Btw, anon nanya mau beliin tiket?


Language: English