
moon temple

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Your alone on a desert on island. You don't get to choose anything. Do you accept death or fight it? And how do I clear my internet history? I searched some reaaaallllly dirty things earlier and I'm not proud and regret it. But really, for future instances this information would be swell

i'd probably accept is because i am weak and sad
i'd cry a lot
idk ctrl+h

do you like eating cereal when you are high

i don't really like cereal
i like it very occasionally i guess
i like the same foods when i am high and not high
so i guess i like eating cereal when i am high very occasionally
Liked by: stopdrop

favorite anco member and why?????

do u know how hard this q is for me omg
serious mental battle w/ myself rn
i don't think i can decide

How many times a day do you eat?

this is like the most boring question
'i eat ~20 100calorie packs a day, i'm just kind of constantly eating them, i don't eat anything else, my favorite are the ones that are supposed to be like oreos but aren't anything like oreos, i guess i eat 20 meals a day'

First 10 likers get 5 questions?


do you like tracy k smith? also what are good poetry collections you would recommend giving as gifts?

i'm not familiar w/ tracy k smith but i will look into her and get back to you on my feelings on her poetry. the second question is hard because i feel like the kind of poetry collection you should give depends a lot on who you're giving it to

we don't know what life is but it seems sad to me. i hope it's not sad. what do you think it is?

i think '''''''''life''''''''''' as some vague concept is neutral/is not attached to any emotion. i think how we perceive life can go either way. life seems sad to people because it is pointless. i think that's why religions exist. being an atheist sucks

Want to start a black metal band? I was thinking I could play bass and you could transcend physical reality and become an emancipated consciousness whose earthly manifestation is fused as a gestalt whole with a thoughtform that ethereally embodies the existential misery of spiritual isolation.

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Name a book (Chapbook, paper/physical book, e-book) that you;ve enjoyed or hated within the last two years that you've read at least twice...if any.

feel like the only book i've read at least twice in the last 2 years is crunk juice
have read that 4-6 times

if you had to choose between the two abilities of emitting light whenever you wanted, or total darkness... which wouldjya chooze???

total darkness i guess
because i could like
go into a bank
and make everything totally dark
and then go take money

Why does the orbital change method of measurement give a result of 4 femtometers smaller for a proton of muonic hydrogen than other measurements of proton size?

Liked by: ½ JΔY

tell me about the last great film you saw

i don't remember the last film i saw
i don't feel confident enough in my opinions on films to be able to judge a film as 'great'
i think i generally feel like films are 'okay'
sorry this is such a non-answer


Language: English