
moon temple

Ask @moontemple

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do you feel like there was a time in your life when you "found yourself"? when/what was the process like?

i.........................don't think i've ever found myself. i don't even know what that would mean.

do you receive letters from people? what is the best one you have received?

people have sent me some stuff yeah. i think my favorite thing i've gotten in the mail is a whole bunch of prints from nathan masserang. hehe

what 9,998,506 things can u not live without? on a typical sat nite u are....?

wow this question is causing me extreme anxiety
on a typical sat night i eat too much ice cream and watch the x files and spend time on the internet
u could say i am a wild child

are david duchovny and gillian anderson dating irl? p sure i read that somewhere. gonna google it brb

idk i'm going to google that too, i feel like at this point probably not but they may have at some point???????? all i know about either of their personal lives is the whole duchovny sex addiction thing

What do you love the smell of? 

feel like i have negative connotations with the only smell i can think of currently, sssssstssssssssssstssssssssssssssssstsssssusuuuuuussssssssssssssssstssssssssssu

how would you convince someone that the moon is cool

well i mean just look at it. idk. if you don't already think the moon is cool i don't even know what to say to you

are things you say when you are stoned less to be trusted?

i don't really get stoned anymore
even if i did, i don't really understand what you are asking me

If you were to rate your writing skills on a scale from Shakespeare to Tao Lin, where would you be? Note: I didn't say which is the better writer, that is up to you.

i think that i am incapable of judging my own writing on any scale, my feelings on my own writing can cycle between 'this is literally the best thing ever written' and 'i should kill myself immediately' in a period of five minutes
Liked by: ½ JΔY

If you had 1 1/2 wishes, with the only limitations being you can't wish for an abstract concept, what would you wish for? (Just know you'd get whatever you ask for plus a half extra.)

to not have to do things i don't want to do (is that an abstract concept? blegh) esp re: work
Liked by: ½ JΔY

tell me about the last time you vomited (what u were thinking and how u were feeling, ur environment, cause of puke, etc.)

i dont when the last time i vomited was
when i was in nyc i puked in earl's bathroom like 10 times b/c i was hungover
and wrote a poem about it
that is cool i guess

what was the first "alt lit" book (or website) that you really liked? how did you hear about this book? how old were you when you read it? also you're pretty awesome

oh god this is embarrassing
i read thought catalog all the time
for like
2 years
probably would not have gotten 'into' alt lit
had i not been v 'into' tc
ok you can shoot me now
(thanks re: me being awesome)

what are you most excited to see at AWP? what other "alt lit" people are going that you know of?

idk its too early for me to really be excited
i dont get excited about things until like 2 days before they happen
a lot of people are going
would recommend posting of fb "what 'alt lit' ppl are going to awp"
bc i couldn't answer
this question v definitively
i dont want to try it makes me anxious

I'm not timid normally but I'm not used to meeting people over the internet and you and well...idk I freaked the fuck out a little bit haha. Well I'm not freaking out anymore. I'll add you on FB I guess and maybe we can talk like normal people. Or if you don't want to I can fuck off haha.

add me on fb if u want
im nice etc

i have missed doing nothing at all. is it good to do nothing at all

i agree
i get restless
i like to do things sometimes
and not do things sometimes
both are good

If reincarnation was optional and you could go to sleep and wake up as some other being, person, or entity rn, would you? What would you become? Or would you just stay you?

i'd want to go to sleep and wake up as a rich version of myself
Liked by: ½ JΔY

Super awkward guy here again. Is it safe to assume at this point that I successfully derailed into "definitely a creep" territory? Is it acceptable to ask where exactly I made that departure? lol

idk man idk u seem timid or s/t

do you think ppl should just be the way that they feel they should be

yes def unless that involves murdering ppl or s/t

what's the story of you first starting to smoke weed?

the v v v v first time i smoked weed ever i was 12 i was with three girls that i was friends w/ we snuck out of school and went to this wooded area near a grocery store ~5 min away. one of the girls had gotten a very small amount of weed from her sister. we didn't have a pipe or anything so we took a piece of lined paper and tried to roll it in there. idek how we got it to not fall apart. i think i took 2 or 3 'hits' and then felt freaked out and walked back to school alone. i didn't get high etc
i didn't smoke weed again for ~2.25 years
i started smoking weed ~regularly when i met this group of people that my friend from middle school's boyfriend was friends with. they started coming to this girl i was really good friends with's house and bringing beer and weed. i turned 15 and started dating one of them and went to parties etc smoked weed idk there's no real story i think the story of the v first time is way cooler/funnier

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