
moon temple

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What influenced you to start writing? If nothing, then why do you write?

feeling emotions v explosively and having no other artistic skills with which to express said emotions
Liked by: theooo eooo

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

various bacteria, insects, bugs, etc devour our bodies or we are consumed by flame

ideal way to spend your day?

day drunk on ~30mg adderall xr (one blue capsule, one orange capsule) in late spring/early summer (warm but but not hot) with person i have romantic feelings for, doing nothing in the sun for hrs

moon temple there is a witch living in the forest by my house

i don't know, invite me to your house and i will investigate you forest

what is your favorite item of clothing that you own?

prob leopard print leotard. or velvet skirt. or white oversized buttonup w/ pretty collar

Working on any new book/pieces at the moment?

I'm working on putting together a collection of older writings/thoughts/musings from before i was 'involved' in 'alt lit'. i also have some poems that seem to have a similar style/theme going on w/ them, and will probably write more that are similar and publish them as an ebook in the coming months. there are also some other pieces being published by some lit mags etc in the coming future, but i don't want to give too much detail on that.
Liked by: ½ JΔY

When you die what do you want your grave stone to say, if anything. Or if you even have a gravestone.

i want to be cremated i think. there's something creepy about keeping a decaying body. if my soul is gone, my body should be gone too
Liked by: ½ JΔY

do you respect things in return when you give things to people?

feel like 'respect' is used oddly in this sentence (did u mean expect??? hmm) i like receiving things ofc but when i make/give people things it's usually because i want them to see what i made/gave them and feel happiness because of it.

what does the moon look like when it is beautiful?

the moon looks like the moon when it is beautiful because the moon is always beautiful

how do you feel about cute girls

i feel happy that they exist and occasionally jealous but try to just feel happy

do you think it's annoying when people use a hard moment in their life to make others feel for them?

i feel like people are weird when they assume that people are 'using' a hard moment in their life for attn or whatever. and like...if someone is going through some tough shit, why is it wrong for them to want a lil extra love and attn?
Liked by: Amy SZ stopdrop

what is a beautiful message you have once received from someone somewhere?

"I think that you are special. stop worrying so much all the time. just be a kid, it's easy to do"

whats yr fave animal collective album and fave song?!?!?!?! and fave member?!?!?!?! :-)

fave album prob feels, fave song changes like all the time but rn spirit they've vanished, avey all the way

i am a donut, do you eat me or use me as bait for a donut loving shark that has a look of resentment in it's eyes?

i put you in the fridge and forget about you for ~6mo and then find you while cleaning out my fridge, inspect you thoroughly for mold, don't find mold but throw you away anyway because feel somewhat disturbed by the idea of eating something that hasn't grown mold after living in my fridge for ~6mo

what is ur sexuality preferance?

i guess like....hetero-romantic, pansexual? does that make sense? feel romantically toward males, feel sexually attracted to everyone
(note: i accidentally answered this saying "feel sexually attractive to everyone" which is a really hilarious typo. thank got ask.fm lets you re-answer questions tho)

if jd salinger made music it would be a collection of sung tongs and spirit they're gone spirit they've vanished and feels

i would listen to that, that would probably be my favorite album actually. i should read salinger's other books, i've only read catcher in the rye and it didn't do anything for me

u are so beautiful! this isn't a question but wanted you to know anyway. stay well moon

thank u mysterious stranger [happy emoticon]

are you a better person than u used to be?

no clue, probably? no clue. probably? no clue. no clue? no clue. probably. no clue. probably?

which is better: url or irl

i feel like i don't like the idea of separating them the way people seem to do. i feel like everything is irl. the internet is a weird extention of irl. idk. like an 'app'. television and books and music are 'apps' also. internet is just a v high quality all-inclusive 'app'


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