
moon temple

Ask @moontemple

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what's it like to be so adored on facebook? i imagine it must be pretty validating to have the digital manifestation of your personality be so universally adored. it's well deserved imo, i really enjoy your art

its p cool i guess, feel like i'm not as big of a deal as yr making me out to be etc, haha. thank you re: enjoying my art

Other than adderall, what is your favorite um pharmecutical, how many mg's of it, and how does it make you feel?

why other than adderall? bleck idk. xanax is good idk like 1 mg if i have to "do things" 2 mg if i'm able to just lay around and fall asleep if i want to. xanax kinda feels like taking a warm bath and smiling and like, the way sea otters probably feel all the time
Liked by: stopdrop

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What do you think of literary "fame"? Is it something you hope to achieve?

idk seems like idk feel like 'fame' is relative etc feel like the more i think about it the sicker i feel would generally rather not think about it

You're kind of fucking brilliant and it makes me terrified to actually contact you and I thought first I'd just ask you a question anonymously and then I sat here staring at the screen for like half an hour feeling nauseous about even doing that. I guess this isn't a question anymore.

this is really nice wow. don't feel scared of tlking to me though i'm really nice !!!! i'm kind of a flaky baby but if u email me or fb chat w/ me or s/t i'll be nice unless you're definitely a creep and you don't seem like 'definitely a creep' from this message

where the hell is my gift

ugh the worst thing about this is there's like 4 diff ppl that i've told i'll send things to that i haven't yet ugh pkm i'm sorry nudge me on fb about it i suck etc


b/c interesting, i rly like thinking abt how strange/terrifying life would be if bugs were ~25 times as large as they are normally

story from your childhood?

when i was ~8 this mangy fluffy little cat followed me into my apartment and my mom liked her so we decided to keep her. she was so mangy and had fleas so we just assumed she was a stray but just in case my mom made a bunch of posters and put them around the neighborhood etc. nobody called so we just kept her for months. i named her gato. when she fell asleep her tongue would stick out. she got along really well w/ our other cat jet li. like jet li is usually really suspicious of cats when he first meets them but he liked her from the v beginning. she would come and visit me when i was taking a bath. she was my best friend. our venezuelan neighbors chastised me for naming her gato instead of gata. (i should have named her gata). but then one day this lady who lived across the street was talking to my mom and she came up to our porch and gato was standing by the screen door and the lady was like omg!! that's my cat!!!! lily!!!! and idk we gave her back and i cried so much

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Liked by: stopdrop

do you think there is something besides life? don't know if this question makes sense but i tried to make it make sense the way it made sense to me in a way

i get what yr saying and i don't know, i feel terrified of my lack of knowledge on this subject, either answer is equally terrifying, jglsdkjgldfjgd

What are the names of people you like/think about/are influenced by/etc. that died before 1960?

vlad tepes
elizabeth bathory
oh sry i'm too goth for this q

Name one celebrity you dislike (give a reason why) and name one celebrity you wish you could have a conversation with for two hours at the coffee house of your choice. (If you don't like coffee, or latte's at least well....that just sucks for you). The term "Celebrity" is relative btw.

i don't think i can feel emotions strongly enough for strangers to really dislike them. i can't choose one celeb or w/e i feel like i was given the choice of literally anyone i would freak out and feel like the rest of my entire life depended on that choice and wouldn't be able to make a decision and would possibly have a stroke

what are you doing this weekend?

idk i work on saturday, sunday i'll probably spend a lot of time on the internet/reading/watching the x files

what is the most recent good novel/long piece of writing you've read?

ugh i can't even remember what the most recent book/etc i've finished was i keep like reading half of things and getting distracted. am currently reading dostoyevsky's 'the idiot' and like it so far but ugh watch me not finish it

Worse book you've ever read?

idk the only thing that comes to mind is 'atlas shrugged' but naming ayn rand seems almost like a cop-out for this q. also seems like i shouldn't judge a book so harshly if i didn't (couldn't tbh) even finish it
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I wish you missed me. I fucked up.

i have 0 idea who you are but likely if you had any significance in my life i miss you in some way or another (that prob doesn't sound v comforting i'm sorry)

"The bottom half was either invisible or just made of ladders" okay so dreams are my favorite thing Do you remember a lot of your dreams? do you ever have lucid dreams? do you feel like sharing your dreams? this is elijah by the way im too lazy to make an account

i think i remember ~30% of my dreams. i have occasional v v v vivid dreams, like once a month or so. i have lucid dreamed maybe ~10 times total. i feel interested in lucid dreaming more often but the kind of things you gotta do for that (dream journaling, relaxation exercises, etc) are things i have a hard time keeping up b/c i am a flake :/ idk i'm letting myself make excuses etc

did you know stebe roggenbuck is a shitty writer who spends more time making dopey pep videos on youtube than writing and you fell for his dumb gimmick haha

lol i <3 stebe idgaf what u think of him


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