
Brittney Stokes❤️BITCHNEY❤️

Ask @nibbzy13

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Why do many people think that talking at concerts is NORMAL?

because why not, be your own person do your own thing

With a serious answer, What is happiness for you in the future? How would u be happy in life?

im not sure ill let you know when I know

Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them???

because the water that is on our bodies go on the towel and if we don't wash them it will cause mold or mildew

Do you have good friend(s), whom you did not like at first?

all my friends ive had ups and downs but I love every single one

Yes i was wrong...actually i am wrong...but wht u did??? Ohh yess..left!!! And Block the best thing...I do miss you talk about you and yeah trying to move on as well...i will do

what are you talking about

T'es nouveaux pantalons que tu as mis cette semaine au salé était vraiment beau avec tes souliers en plus, wow!

ummm what?

Okay, so I want to apologize to 3 girls who were my friends, but I'm scared that if I message them, they will block me. How can I have conversation without it being out of control. Talk to them invadiually or all 4 of us in a group ? So that I can explain it them. Help me please.

one by one because if you do it all together they could all over power what your trying to say


Language: English