
Brittney Stokes❤️BITCHNEY❤️

Ask @nibbzy13

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do you consider yourself an undiscovered author? why or why not?

no I do not and because nothing I write down makes sense

If you somehow meet your ex , how would you treat him/her?

I could not tell you until I saw them and seen what happened

What is the best film you've watched recently?

the only movie I have seen recently was called ben is back and it was pretty good

What’s the first thing you notice about people? ?

their eyes or the vibe they are giving off

Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

who knows

When should you reveal a secret you said you wouldn’t?

when you are worried about something the other person has said

Why these anons from all the way want to be friends but deep down they're scared to reveal who they are ??

no clue

Have you ever tried to learn song lyrics by heart to impress your friends with singing long verses?

not really

What is a primary fear that is holding you back?

the fear of being judged which leaves me with a lot of social anxiety

If Beyonce and Britney released an album on the same day, which of them would you listen first?



Language: English