
Brittney Stokes❤️BITCHNEY❤️

Ask @nibbzy13

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Do you speak more than one language?

not really I took some classes in French and Spanish but cant really remember it

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Are you the type of person who would spend time in the company of a stranger with pleasure, drinking cappuccinos and telling each other stories from life? ☕☕

no I would not

??What would you say to your young self and why?

that it will be a rough road but soon enough it will be your turn to do great things

What is a dream you've never said out Loud? 🌚

if ive never said them, maybe there is a reason I didnt

If you could return to the past, what concert or festival would you go to?

One of Michael Jackson's

Tell me three things about yourself that one should know before calling you on a date!

1. That I am extremely shy and will probably say very little at first
2. I am very much a family comes first person, also love my alone time as well as spending time with people
3. I do not like making decisions

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?👦

I don't believe in destiny but I do believe that everything happens for a reason

What would be your immediate action after experiencing a paranormal activity at your place? ☠

probably scream


Language: English