

Ask @ninaanrr

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Nina, i fucking love you! <3 i miss you so much. You're such a good friend and you're really caring . Only 3 days :') <3

Aww thaankyou:') I miss you loads its unreal, friday needs to come sooner! I love you too :*<3<3
Liked by: emily

What is your favorite pet’s name?

I only have one pet now :( but there were loads like Kai, buster, bruno, borris, barcley, pearl, shola, george, cameron, alex, harvey and others
Liked by: emily

What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?

Day 2 and everythings fine, let's see how things are after a week

Yeah baby :') inbox me sugar plum. Miss and love you loads ok :) chin up <3 xxxxxx

Will do :P miss & love you loads too, thankyou for everything<3 xxxxxxx

Its because i changed what i was going to say half way through it and forgot to correct the rest :\ ** when im unground im sleeping over yours <3 xxxxx

Ohh aha yeah that's fine, fridays going to be good though:')<3 xxxxx

I miss you :-( I'm sorry I haven't been in contact sooner my gorgeous Shnina <3

Its okay Shabi, how are you doing? I'm so proud of you gorgeous girl! I miss you <3

Who do you miss?

What's the point in missing people? They probably don't even think about you.
I stupidly introduce my friends to each other, then they end up fancying each other and I'm forgotten about. No one gives a second thought about me. I'm done with missing people, no one misses me.

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

Well I do my exercise meh, I dunno

Why couldn't you sleep? I was awake trying to break these heels in, I have a party Saturday night

For a number of reasons which I'm not letting everyone know about and oh right
Liked by: James Stewart

Haha thank you again! :) I've spent all night in my heels, going to paint my nails soon, why you up at 5am?

You're welcome and well I couldn't sleep, I was awake all night haha, how about you?


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