

Ask @ninaanrr

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If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

Past and anywhere I was with my nan so I could be with her again

Besties ATM???

Abi, she's the only one who's here for me right this minute while I'm crying my eyes out

Why would you wish upon someones death because personal issues with the person? Thats just horrible, at the end of the day you wouldn't like it so why do it to someone else? And self harming isnt something you should make someone do no matter the circumstances. So yea stop.

Thank you so much!
Liked by: Simran Ram

I meant make in that last post sorry. It doesn't matter who I am darling just know that there are people who care even if you don't realise it x

Yeah I know what you meant, it matters to me who you are... Please tell me, thank you so much x
Liked by: Simran Ram

I think people should stop talking about ninas Nan now its quite disgusting how you're using a dead person to male someone feel worse about themselves. Get a life. Go outside and play tennis or something. Kthnxsbi x

Thank you so much.. I don't know why people keep going on about her:(, seriously thank you... Who are you?x
Liked by: Simran Ram

Dont self harm, at the end you'll regret it i promise you that.. all it does is leave ugly scars for the rest of your life and you dont want that do you? forget everyone thats bringing you down, i know i have and you have no clue who i am but if you ever need a chat, just question me or inbox me x

Sammey Brooks
I know.. I've done it before... Honestly thank you so much! You're too kind x

do you get a lot of attention in your life, maybe u do it because u want some? I don't mean 2 be horrible but if u self harmed and didn't want attention you would hide it away.

Are you being for real? You have no idea what I've been through. I've never liked having attention. I've always been an independent person. You obviously don't know me so stop trying to judge me. If I wanted attention, I would take a picture of my harm and post it everywhere but you don't see me doing that do you? You don't know what I've been through and I get that, just stop acting like you know everything about me when you don't. I haven't done anything and I don't want to. It's people like you who 'don't mean to be horrible' but you're the cause of self harming.
Liked by: Simran Ram

Don't self harm, by self harming you're giving them exactly what they want, don't listen to them, you're perfect.

I'm trying so hard not to... Yeah I know... I can't deal with this anymore.. I'm really not perfect...
Liked by: Simran Ram .

put your friends in order from number 1 being whose most there for you

Ommmmmddddddd why? They're all my closest friends, I trust Hannah, Sophie, Bronwyn, Terena, Ninette, Weronika, Beth and Suraj more than the rest
Liked by: Simran Ram

is Hannah your best friend?

No aha it's the same as Sophie,, I can trust her with my life, she's not my best friend, she's like Bronwyn, Sophie the same, I can't choose just one
Liked by: Simran Ram

have 13 best friends? whos the 1 who is actually your best friend?

I can't choose just one, actually I have 15! I missed Abi and Ninette out of it,, all of them are there for me whenever I need them! I couldn't choose just one!
Liked by: Simran Ram

Pick 5 friends and say why th3y're so speciall to u

Aw Hannah, Bronwyn, Terena, Beth and Kirstie cause they always stick up for me, they've been there for me through the roughest part of my life and I love them loads!
Liked by: Simran Ram Terena♡

You're so skinny its not fair.

Oh my life! Stop telling me lies!! I'm not skinny! That's why I'm starving myself! I feel so sick but I don't want to look fatter..
Liked by: Simran Ram


Aw I LOVE YOU LOADS TOO BEAUTIFUL GIRL! AWWWWW you're such a lovely person too!:') they're all true! I don't care what's anyone says, they're all true! Love you lots!<3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Liked by: Simran Ram


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