

Ask @ninaanrr

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of course gorgeous girl, you can be my revision buddy!! but I bet you'll be teaching me how to revise, I'm not that good at all! you won't fail I promise girl, and I'm here to remove that 'less' from friends not that you ever were 'friendless' Shnina!!! maybe it is the six former, the boy is perfect

Aw yay! We'll talk about it more in school tomorrow m8:'):P! Aha I can help you with maths:D but that's like it/: aw i really hope so! You'll do amazing trust meeee! Aw I bet it is him;) you gotta tell me who m8!<3
Liked by: Absicle

hm, not so much on the face Shnina, I go for the more italian looks, if we meet up sometime I shall tell you about a certain boy who is goooooooooooooood-looking like oh my;-) (even though I've never spoke to him but whatever, he's still gorgeous lol!!) trust me, I wish I looked like your beautiful

Aw I knooooow:-)! Is this the 6th former? TEEEELLL MEEEE! I shall what's app you off my mothers phone again hehe! Aw no you don't m8, you're stunning! I'm nowhere near beautiful! <3

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yep, that's pretty much it, I always compliment people with the truth because they often get told crap that's totally not true :-(! Oo, be careful for those convection currents girl, (sorry, just been revising physics and radiators came up X_X) be careful Shnina, just sit down!! well alone no longer

HEEEELP ME REVISE SHABI PLEASEEE! I'm gonna fail m8! Aw it's cause you're so sweet and cute!;')) aha I stopped burning myself aha:p aw sh I'm alone fam:p<3

he's a guy that came up on the popular stream and oh my, he has such good guitar playing so I thought I'd let him know ehe:-) one problem though with ask.fm, not enough space to write to you gorgeous girl!!<3

Aw he seems to have a nice face too;-) if you get what I mean haha! Aw that's cute;3 aw I know, me and Hannah have had this same problem for ages aha! You're the gorgeous one m8!<3
Liked by: Absicle

haha, such a funny girl, you're NOT friendless one bit Shnina, so many people adore you and know of your lovely personality! and you're telling the one in a three member family, ehe I'm always here for you Shnina and the ones closest to you are too (and I know you do have plenty:-) I have no idea/:

Lol is he some random guy who you casually complimented? Aw typical shabi:') aha I am tho m8! You know it! Aha lieeeeees all lies! Omg I keep burning my ankle on the radioator -.- it hurts man! Aww there's 8 of us yet I feel all alone... Aw thankuouuuuu! But that's all lies! I'm always here for you too Shabi!!!<3
Liked by: Absicle

well I hope it changed your way of thinking for the best, always remember that God is here for you as am I and all your friends and family gorgeous girl:-) trust me, you won't fail and I know that for sure, you'll work hard and get out what you put in and you always work super hard girl!!<3

Yeah it did, I love going church, I actually missed it so much! Aw thank you, I have hardly any family now but hey... Psh I'm friendless, what are you on about shabi? I'm gonna fail-.- mrs bunting Hates me, she makes it pretty obvious! Argh got so much to think about-.- aw you're so lovely and sweet my Gorgeous girl! Also... Who's Ron?;)<3
Liked by: Absicle

Aw that's sweet Shnina, I'm glad you went today:-)! I know, reading is the least of everyone's worries right now with exams and stuff but I know you'll do really well!!<3

So am I actually, it changed my way in thinking I guess.... Yeah I really need to revise but with everything going round in my mind I can't focus:( I'm gonna fail in history I know it... I hope I do well... You'll do amazing like always, there's no doubt about it<3
Liked by: Absicle

What are you doing next weekend?

Saturday - spending the day with James:')
Sunday - Kirstie's birthday!
Cannot wait!

Did anyone see your self harm marks in church?

I don't think so/: there's only like 4 left anyway and they're fading so you can't actually tell/:

Oo you're slacking in the reading department girl, lol;-)<3

Haha yeah, I went church this morning for like the first time this year, I've missed it loads! Aha no time for reading ATM shabi;)<3
Liked by: Absicle

Of course I trust you M8!! Sometimes my brain stops working though!! How's your phone?! And you're gorgeous you know!!<3

Yay m8! I trust you too fam, with all my life ygm? Awwwwwwwww no you are! My phones dead again:'( EWWWWWWWW MY SISTER SPAT BANANA ALL OVER MY BEDROOM FLOOR NOOOOO:'(<3
Liked by: Absicle



Charger melting:'-) I'm laughing too much oh my, can you imagine charger lava?!<3

I can't actually believe it like omg! It melted! Probably had some lava in it yanoooo<3
Liked by: Absicle

No way did this girl break her charger again M8-_-

I didn't break it... I think it over heated since it was flashing orange and it looks like it melted, just my luck right-.- it's on 13% -.-
Liked by: Absicle

Omg james is gorgeous!! His eyes are amazing and hes mixed race!! Hes stunning! His sister looks bare white though haha shes pretty too though. The whole family is seems to be perfect. Clever down to earth polite and beautiful!!

Yes they're both gorgeous, love them both to pieces. I wouldn't be Able to live without them tbh. The whole family isn't perfect but they are and so is their mum and my mum. Yup that's exactly what they are

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I was just thinking about what to do for my birthday this year, usually just with close family or my second family andy, rose, Joshy, Linky and sandy! Idk..

Who do you need?

My mum, Massie, Sharlene, Kirstie, James, my close friends and most importantly my nani!
If she was here today none of this shit would be happening:'(. I miss her too much

You're disgusting. You only cut for attention.

Yeah cause I love attention(!).
I fucking hate attention. You don't understand how hard I've tried not to cut.
But I did the other day. I craved in cause of people like you.
My life is fucking shit and you lot just make it worse.
I HATE people like you.

do u love india

If you're on about the country then yes! Since I'm from there as well that was a stupid question but yeah

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

I crossed the road when a car was coming. Oop badman alert.

You're ruining James Stewart's life. He doesn't even like you. All your life all you've ever done is made his life bad. He had to move from tommy cause of you. He gets weird looks cause of YOU. You're horrible. Making your own family hate you cause you're stupidd.

You know if this was true, James would tell me himself. We've spoken about this shit before. You're obviously just some jealous cunt who's trying to split me and my cousin up. So shut the fuck up. Deal with your own family issues before you try interfering with my family, got it.


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