
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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4. tapi aku tak bisa lama sayangku, manusia harus bebas, hidup harus cair, dan dunia terus bergerak. dan aku terus berjalan, ada dunia yang harus kukelilingi. mungkin nanti di suatu persimpangan.

I'm fully aware that those softwares that offer me the ability to track down anon in ask.fm are simply scams.
But I'm seriously considering getting scammed just to have a minuscule chance to know your identity. Thank you for such a sweet sweet poem. Another verse and I might have to start taking insulin shots.
Liked by: Chacha Prianka

3. tapi ruang, waktu dan materi-materi lainnya tak berarti apa-apa sayangku, kita bicara dalam bahasa dan frekuensi kita, telah kukhianati ruang dan waktu sejak mengenalmu lewat bit-bit elektronik di udara, telah kudefinisikan sendiri soal cinta lewat labirin pikiranmu yang menjebakku.


2 maka bicaralah fisikawan soal big bang sebagai mula waktu dan soal waktu sebagai mula ruang, maka bicaralah filsuf soal kenihilan setelah bergumul dengan pertanyaan dan pencarian, maka bicaralah para sufi soal Cinta yang tak pernah padam, maka bicaralah psikoanalis soal motif-motif di diri manusia

Why the capital C on "Cinta"?

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what does it mean to have free will in a universe of fixed laws?

How do you know for sure that we have free will? It is very much possible that our lives have been predetermined and consistently governed by a long infinite string of numbers (for example, pi) that, when translated into texts, only gives us the illusion of free will, right?
You think you're asking me this question off your own free will, while in fact your brain has been hard-coded to ask me this. See? We can't really prove (or disprove, for that matter) the concept of free will.
But let's assume for argument's sake that free will does exist and every action that we take, we act on our own free will.
I'd like to think that free will exists so we have our hands on the rein of our lives. By having free will, we can at least have some say in this universe of fixed laws. For example, the law of gravity is absolute, but your decision to jump off the roof of your house is yours to take.
Without free will, we would have no motivation to better ourselves because our lives have already been dictated by an infinitely long string. I think the reason why we wish free will to exist is because living in a world without it is a very sad life to lead, indeed.

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Liked by: Fatita

How was your day? :)

Thanks for asking me this! I somehow feel the irresistible urge to vent, and your question is the perfect channel for me to rant.
So I've been spending most of my last two work days (or three) swamped by work. I have been mostly glued to my desk while working (occasionally checking ask.fm because it's my secret getaway) on a new project. And I also spent most of my free time doing a part-time copy writing in my break time.
So yes, I am actually quite far from fine. In fact, I would pay you quite handsomely to dress up as my client and let me repetitively hit you with my car. (I hope none of my clients actually follows my askfm)

do you (still) in love with your ex? because that way you write the letter, you seems still somehing on her ...

Love is such a strong word that I never use it to describe how I feel about someone.
Am I still in "like" with her? No. But since she ended it a tad too quickly, I still, at times, wonder what it'd be like if she hadn't.
Oh and that letter was actually copy-pasted from my blog; I wrote it five months ago.
Liked by: Feni blank

Aku harus gimana kak,aku tuh orangnya minderan gitu terutama sama orang yang lebih baik,cantik,pinter daripada aku.aku juga pingin kaya mereka diperhatiin,diajak bercanda sama cowo.jd kalo setiap temenku ada yg diajak bercanda aku selalu diem aja karna minder.aku berasa annoying:(:(

One of the branding strategies I always implement is "If you can't be the best, be different."
Just pursue what you like and build on your eloquence and hope that it will attract the right guys.
Think of being unattractive as playing life in expert mode.

Pop music or anything dubbed as "mainstream music" gets automatically labelled as shitty or "not real music" by a lot of people. It personally pisses me off, but what's your say on this?

It pisses me off too! But I couldn't care less what they think about. I wouldn't stop listening to something I like just because people say it's trash.
Liked by: Nadya Larasati Feni

if you can write something for her (your ex) what would you write?

Dear stranger,
Breaking up, in my experience, can either be a somewhat easy thing to do or an utterly devastating one. In my case with you, it was the latter.
"How are you? Are you dating someone right now? How did it feel to break a heart? Did mine leave your hands bloody?" are the four questions I'm dying to ask you right now if you have bothered replying to any of the several 'Hey's I had mustered all my courage to type and send your way. But you didn't, so I just tucked all those questions inside my pillow and carry on like nothing ever happened.
I hope you're well, I really do. Unfortunately, I have no idea how you're doing right now, and I bet you don't even care how, out of all people, I'm doing. 
To be honest, you were the only person whom I'd voluntarily let get that close to me. We ordered coffee and made fun of strangers sitting around us, we nonchalantly made political jokes, we sneaked kisses in bookstores and cinemas. At that time, I thought (and boy, I couldn't be more wrong) I had finally found someone to walk with, someone to ride the roller coaster of life with.
I could still clearly remember how you looked as I pulled a bouquet of red and white roses: how your eyebrows arched, then how your eyes lit up, and immediately your lips made a lopsided smile; then the smile slowly made its way to your eyes, wrinkling the sides of your eyes and pulling your cheeks up. And the next thing I knew, your lips were on mine and your arms slithered around my back. But I guess you totally forgot about that now.
I fully understand chatting like a friend--like nothing has ever happened between us--is impossible. But is it that hard to annually text each other "Happy Birthday"? The whole world could congratulate me on how I managed to survive one Earth's full revolution around the Sun, but if you didn't, I couldn't care less.
Isn't it ironic how two people who were desperately trying to be as close as possible have now become two people who are trying their hardest to be strangers? I find it painfully peculiar and I hope you do, too.
You know what? I have no idea where I'm going with this letter. The more I write, the more miserable I become (and the more you know how low I've fallen). So I will end this letter here before I humiliate myself even further.
With much love,
Just another stranger.

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Oh! Hence the " if what we had was real, how could you be fine ? Cause I'm not fine at all " ? Cheer up though.

*kenapa gue jadi curhat*
Thanks! I'm sending you a virtual hug :)
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia

Nothing in between she said she liked you too and she said she's leaving? ( songs of your last relationship )

Sadly, no. It was a very short-lived romance. I thought what we had was real but she didn't. So yeah. Very short, indeed.

Jangan kayak yang nanya ini sampe download OVA-nya karena penasaran. Kalau anime yang lagi ditunggu-tunggu season barunya apa, kak nyankent?

No Game No Life! Aku nunggu itu kayak aku nunggu kehadiran pacar. :')

A song dedicated for your last relationship please?

First encounter: Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku - Afgan
PDKT: A beautiful mess - Jason Mraz
When she said she liked me, too: Love is a verb - John Mayer
When she said she was leaving me: Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer
A few days after she left me: Chasing Pavements - Adele
A few weeks after: I'm gonna find another you - John Mayer

Regardless of your profession (a writer), do you think books should be free?

Steffi Teowira
Books are an intellectual property, crafted by the authors who carefully hand-picked which words to include for our enjoyment. If books were made free, the authors would have no incentive to write. Besides, paying for something makes us appreciate it more.
So no, even in a parallel world where I'm neither a writer nor a reader, I'd still think that books should never be free.

hi! i just done reading your novel (its the first time I bought a novel bcs I stalked someone's ask.fm) and .... do u like reading junji itou's mangas? :3 if yes, what's your most favorite one?

Thanks! And I'd like to preemptively apologize if it was not up to your taste ._.
My relationship with Junji Itou is very complex. I'm repulsed by his manga but I can't stop reading. Having only read two of his works, I think it's safe to say I derive pleasure (albeit tiny) from reading his works. My most favorite one is Uzumaki! God, the mosquito chapter. I could still vividly imagine the looks in the mothers' face. Ugh.

Jadi kok crtnya sih kafka diary itu soal btapa miserablenya dia iya bukan sih?

Yes! Despite the humor and wit displayed in most of his stories, he was actually a miserable loner, incapable of communication with other people. It's kinda sad when you think about it, right? :(
Liked by: tuyul


Hi, Yuliyana! Keep reading, it's one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have!

Kenapa org jaman skrg aneh? ada sodara bahkan keluarga inti meninggal malah update. Pacar meninggal? Di capture chat terakhir foto2 trus ditaruh ask fm. Buat paan ya? Kesannya kaya mati itu ga ada artinya sama aja kaya update tntg ngasih surprise ultah? Gw bener2 nggak 'ngeh'. Apa gw yg aneh?

It's the same reason why people use excessive hashtags on their social-media posts, to get attention.

Ko Kent, kenapa ya pembunuhan, serial killers itu fascinating bagi kebanyakan orang? Not just as a genre, tapi juga in real life. Ngeliatnya repulsed tapi diikutin juga.

Steffi Teowira
Maybe because humans have this fundamental predisposition towards murder (see Cain and Abel), but that predisposition has been somewhat suppressed by what our parents taught us when we were a kid.
But still, deep down inside we'd like to know how the sound of a knife gutting innards is like,
or the recoil of a pistol as we pulled the trigger close to someone's brain.
Or simply how to kill that pesky person without getting caught.
Wait, what, no? No one else? Just me?

Menurut kakak, bagaimana cara orang pertama kali mempelajari bahasa lain? Kita diajari Bahasa Inggris oleh guru, makanya kita bisa. Bagaimana orang Indonesia yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris tahu kalau "precious" artinya "berharga"? Adakah kemungkinan arti terjemahan yang kita tahu selama ini salah?

Zivskalania, (ini gue sampe ngecek tiga kali, takut salah nulis nama)
Kayaknya cara mereka belajar bahasa persis seperti cara kita belajar bahasa waktu bayi. Mungkin si Bule nunjuk-nunjuk ke sebuah barang dan bilang bahasa Inggris, terus orang Indonya bilang bahasa Indonya. Repeat this in the span of several hundreds years, and you get yourself a full English-Indo dictionary. Untuk masalah kemungkinan arti terjemahan yang kita tahu selama ini salah, itu sangat kecil sih kemungkinannya.
Liked by: Jemima Juju Lamlo

Kalo soal gore bagi Mora sih biasa aja. Cara membunuhnya tidak dijelaskan dengan sangat detail tapi sedikit banyak tetap dikasih tau step dia bikin perfume dari para anak2 gadis itu. Cuma ya itu, feel si karakter utama lebih dapet dibanding filmnya.

morastoic’s Profile Photom o r a
Okay, Mora! *masukin ke daftar buku buat dibaca*

Loh ko, jadi kok nonton Hannibal? Kayaknya itu lebih nyayat nyayat otak dan hati (pun not intended) ngeliatnya deh?

Jujur gue pas nonton Hannibal setengah tutup mata sih. Pas bagian murder reenactment gitu biasa gue 9gagan di HP. Yeah, my relationship with Hannibal is complicated.
Liked by: Jemima Iban

Perfume bukunya lebih bagus daripada filmnya kok, Kent. Film-nya malah bikin Mora sebal karena dia tidak digambarkan seganteng itu di buku. Huh.

morastoic’s Profile Photom o r a
Serius? Gore ga sih? Di filemnya kan lumayan sadis. Kalo sadis2 gitu aku prefer nonton sih daripada baca buku. Baca buku bisa kebayang2 selama seminggu gitu D:

As a sceptic, ko Kent gimana ngeliat moon landing conspiracy theory?

Steffi Teowira
Ugh I don't have enough evidence or background knowledge to accurately answer this question. It might be possible that they faked the moon landing in order to win against Russia (since I believe this happened around Cold War). But then again, we can speculate as much as we want, but we would never be closer to the truth. :< Sorry.

You look too smart that you've became a freak!

The verb "become" is an irregular verb; it goes "become" for simple present, "became" for simple past, and "become" for past participle.
And yes, I'm fully aware I am a freak that I've decided to embrace my freakiness rather than trying to hide it.

Why does uncertainty have to exist in life in this world brother glassy?

So my nickname now is glassy, huh?
Can you imagine a world with no uncertainty? It probably is just like reading a book when your friend has already spoiled you everything there is in the book.
Would you read on? Or would you close the book and do something else?
Liked by: Laurensia Ert

kak kalo disuruh milih antara: 1. jadi satu satu-nya orang jenius di antara orang idiot 2. jadi satu satu-nya orang idiot di antara orang jenius kakak pilih yg mana? why?

Jadi satu-satunya orang idiot di antara orang jenius. Karena meskipun gue bakalan merasa inferior, gue bakalan belajar banyak dari orang-orang jenius di sekitar gue.
If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Yah siapa tauu home publisher gitu ahaha. Bukunya apa ka pap dongg

Haha anyway, kalo mau self publish, coba cek nulisbuku.com deh. Gue pernah ikutan nulis cerpen di sana, dan rupanya mereka juga enable self publishing yang lumayan unik. :) good luck!

kent, just a suggestion, maybe you should try to differ between alogical and illogical.. you're right, we can't scientifically prove religion. Thus it is alogical. Illogical is when a valid argument goes against the logical rules (e.g:modus ponens). oh, and good job on answering without insulting :)

Imanuel Ezra
Hi Imanuel!
That's a new word for me. However, if we're talking about the root of words, the Greek prefix a- actually means not/without (asexual means /without/ sexuality, and achronological means /not/ time-sequential). So, following that argument, alogical should mean "not logical."
But then again, Merriam-Webster seems to disagree with me while Google Dictionary seems to disagree with you. I guess there is more than one way to define "alogical." Thanks for teaching me a new word!

ko itu novelnya ceritanya ttg apa ko?

Genrenya romantic/comedy. Kalo diliat baik-baik kan itu novelnya terbagi jadi dua ya. Kalo dibaca dari depan itu bacanya dari sudut pandang cewek (yang nulis Debbie Widjaja) dan ceritanya lebih berputar di romance. Kalo dibaca dari belakang, itu dari sudut pandang cowok dan ceritanya lebih komedi.
Kalo untuk masalah ceritanya tentang apa, ceritanya dangkal sih. Bener-bener easy reading yang nggak perlu mikir. So, unless you're really looking for something fun and easy to read, please don't buy that novel. Wait until I finish writing this murder/psychology novel and buy that one instead.

Tapi, katanya otak kita tidak bisa memahami hal-hal yang seharusnya bisa kita pahami. Aku cenderung percaya sama penjelasan ilmiah dan logis, tapi di sisi lain kadang aku jadi ngerasa kalau otak manusia itu gak ada apa-apanya. Aku jadi bingung sama kepercayaanku(agama) sendiri…

Contoh dari "Otak kita tidak bisa memahami hal-hal yang seharusnya bisa kita pahami," itu apa? Mungkin kata yang tepat bukan "tidak" ya, tapi "belum." Dulu orang-orang menyembah-nyembah petir karena mereka menganggap itu adalah sebuah pertanda dari dewa. Toh nyatanya sekarang kita bisa memahami apa petir itu dan kenapa petir bisa menyambar.
Mungkin beberapa puluh tahun mendatang, konsep-konsep yang sekarang nggak bisa dijelaskan akan menjadi sangat jelas dan intuitif.

Hai. Menurutmu apa hikmah atau untung-ruginya manusia dilahirkan tidak bisa membaca pikiran orang lain? & maukah kamu memiliki kemampuan membaca pikiran? Semoga harimu dipenuhi manfaat & kesenangan...

Hai Jawara,
Kalo orang lain bisa baca pikiran, gue yakin muka gue udah jontor nggak berbentuk sih sekarang. Omongan gue super halus tapi pikiran gue kasarnya kayak amplas. Jadi itu salah satu keuntungan kita nggak bisa baca pikiran.
Kalo untuk kerugian kita nggak bisa baca pikiran, pasti ada lah meskipun kecil-kecil. Misalnya waktu kita lagi PDKT sama gebetan, kita pasti dying to know how they feel about us, right?
Kalo untuk masalah mau/nggaknya, kayaknya lebih condok ke nggak mau. Gue nggak bisa baca pikiran aja udah sakit ati ngomong sama kebanyakan orang, apa lagi kalo bisa.

Koko follow berapa orang di ask.fm ini? Boleh sebut beberapa dan alasan koko follow mereka?

40 orang. Kalo masalah alasan, mainly because I enjoy reading their answers sih. Some are downright funny, some are thought-provoking, and some are just indescribably fun to read.
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia

Are you a ghostwriter then?

The original question asked me, "Have you ever published a book before?" to which I answered, "I got my book published, yes. But I've never published my own book before."
In English, there is a difference between "I just cut my hair," and "I just had my hair cut." While both senteces imply that my hair is now shorter, the first sentence means *I* personally cut my own hair, while the second implies *someone* (probably a hairdresser) cut my hair. Notice the difference?
Answering your question, no I'm not a ghostwriter. I wrote a novel that got published by Gramedia. I just felt the need to clarify that I have never personally published a book.


Language: English