

Ask @sailorkelly

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if you could eat one food in the world and as much as you want of it , what would it be?

sushi LOL but too much is bad for you.....

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do you only drink smoothies?

LOL, no. I eat! But mostly smoothies because they're my meal replacements.

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

A hot guy and a laptop with high speed internet

how many calories do you usually consume a day?

Uhm, it's different everday. Sometimes I nap for too long and I totally skip lunch and dinner. OOPS, LOL. It isn't on purpose though!

how do you stay motivated to be healthy? thanks for sharing btw ^_^

Well, I'm not satisfied with the way I look so it really impacted my self-esteem. I would constantly put myself down and complain but I would never do anything about it so I did. I weigh myself A LOT, before I eat, after I eat, before I sleep, after I wake up, before I got out, right when I come back, and just random times throughout the day. You have no idea how happy it makes me feel when I see I've made progress. What motivates me is the feeling of wantign to be confident in myself. And hey, no problem. I'm glad to help! :-)

Kelly is about to get a boyfriend!

Hahah, not even close. I don't think it's even like that with him.. probably just a unrequited typa thing.. LOL. I WONDER IF HE THINKS IM CUTE.

do you like kouhai?

I wouldn't say I like him since I don't really know him that well right now. I'm only getting to know him but I think he's super cute. :-)

what is your diet routine now?

Well in the morning I just eat some Greek yogurt. For lunch it's hard for me to eat cause I never have time to pack anything for myself in the morning and the cafeteria food is literally crap so I skip lunch and just drink shit loads of water and for dinner I make a meal replacement smoothie filled with a bunch of fruits and vegetables and drink the whole thing and it's usually like maybe around 500 calories. I add usually add leafy greens to the smoothie and for a main ingredient I usually use banana since it gives it more of a smoothie texture. And I've also been working out to lose some extra weight. I also sleep a lot! And I've been doing that since Sunday. If I do eat rice, I eat brown rice instead of white and I eat using a tiny bowl cause it helps me from over eating! I also stayed away from candy, sweets, pastries, junk food, and all that. I hope this helps!

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do the healthy smoothies you make taste good?

I think so! I don't add sugar or anything so it's all nature. I add a bunch of fruits and vegetables I like so I like them. c:


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