

Ask @sailorkelly

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favorite eyeliner?

Maybelline Line Stiletto but I've been using KOJI Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner by Tsubasa Masuwaka!

how come you have a low self esteem when tons and tons of people think youre really cute?

I'm SUPER thankful that people compliment me and think I'm cute but I'm just really bad at accepting compliments. LIKE IT'S THE BEST FEELING TO GET COMPLIMENTED, DON'T GET ME WRONG. But I just have a hard time accepting them because I understand people think I'm cute and all that but it's kind of like if I don't think I'm cute myself then I have a hard time accepting it. It's KINDA like a "I don't care what people think of me. I'll just do me" mentality. It's a really but also REALLY bad. I'm kinda of contradicting myself but it's like if I don't think of myself as cute, then I won't think it at all even if people call me cute and stuff. Sorry if this was confusing. I'm really bad at explaining things and you might take what I said differently than what I was trying to say. SORRY SORRY SORRY. ALFHDSAF.

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do you like bubzbeauty?

Yes! She is adorable and she gets prettier and prettier every time she posts up a new video, I get excited when I see her new uploads!

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believe me, there is tonnsss of girls who would love to look like you. youre so cuteee! you seem really sweet c:

Thank you so much, getting messages like these make me super happy. THANK YOU SOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!!

i've seen you around school and youre in one of my classes and i think you really shouldnt have such a low self esteem because youre honestly so adorable and really pretty! i feel like even though you dont wear make up to school you have confidence in yourself, at least for the most part.

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, THIS HONESTLY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. I REALLY MEAN IT. AFDHAUHSG. AWWW, you are too sweet. I can't express my emotions really well through text but omg this is like really sweet mannn. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

do you yourself think youre cute or good looking? honest answer?

Well, I have an incredibly low self esteem. I mean there are times where I feel pretty confident in myself but most of the time I feel really shitty and ugly. In my opinion, I think I'm okay.. I'm not "DAYUUUM" and I'm not "UGH GROSS". I have a really low self esteem cause expectations nowadays are really high and it's like I can never get myself to look like that. And I always get put down for my acne from my friends and family so that's a big reason why my self esteem is really really low. Idk man. There are a lot of flaws on my face and I can't accept myself. IDK MAN. SIGH.

Well I called you that to be repetitive. But hey! You can be cutie!

"You can" Awww so I'm technically not, sigh.

Name some cute ass juniors that you think are cute as hell because I'm curious of who you think is cute. Cutie.

No one really to be honest, sorry!! Probably not at Westmoor But definitely at other schools. I think there a lot of girls who are cute as hell though. BUT AWWW YOU CALLED ME CUTIE.

do you prefer light, medium or full coverage? also do you prefer matte, dewy or satin finish?

Medium. I like dewy but I have oily skin so sometimes it goes from dewy to oily, LOL. So I prefer matte on my skin!! c:

Annoying ass hoe

Lol, I agree I'm annoying but a hoe? Naaaah. Sorry you feel that way towards me and I'm sorry that you actually have time to send this to me anonymously. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You are annoying as fuck

Lol, thanks. But that's fine cause I know I can be. You probably don't even talk to me, errrrr.


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