

Ask @sailorkelly

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What does the life you want to live look like?

Well, I want to be travel, join organizations that help less fortunate people around the world, teach language in Japan AND Korea, be married to an amazing guy, have 3 children--2 guys and 1 girl-- a dog, have a decent paying job, and having the time of my life.
But let's be real, I'm probably not going to have or be doing most of those things so shit. But definitely going to be moving to Japan for a few months, 100% sure on that.

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What is the best news you could hear right now?

"Congratulations! You have been signed with [Insert one of the top 3 K-pop industries here]!!

What's the most interesting object in your room?

My collection of dildos on a clear glass shelf for everyone to see.

What is your favorite flower?

lotus flowers, they meaning behind them is beautiful and the flower is gorgeous itself.

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

Something I totally dislike is when a guy totally disses a woman. Feminism all da way, dude.

I love your fashion style! I also like frilly girly things but also black, white and neutral stuff :o

Aww thank you so much, I love when people comment on my fashion style it's the sweetest thing ever omfg. But man I feels yoooouuu~


Language: English