

Ask @sailorkelly

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hahah the blog me n my friend made is ->>> bunnyorbit.blogspot.com >_<< we hope u enjoy it youre a really big inspiration

I'll check it out!! But wow, I'm so glad to hear that. ^__^
Liked by: catelyn anne

cos sleep is more important than school but grades. its sad how we gotta rely on good grades to go far academically :( at least in school.


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lately ive been sleeping at 2 am literally every day of the week. sometimes 4 :S UH. Then i totally regret it the next day but I still do it I dont understand. same thing for homework, procrastinate to the extreme and get no sleep (cos I refuse to not get it done) and idk if its even worth it.

Omfg, I stay up late all the time too, aspcidafhpu. Perfect for if we ever get to talk, heh. I regret it also, LOL! But I totally agree about the grades thing, it sucks major balls. Grading system is whack.. But oh, are you a junior?

hey kelly me and my friend just made a blog because we admired yours so yeah xD

OMFG, THAT'S SO FRICKING CUTE AND AWESOME. I cannot express my feelings through typing, but, ahhhh, that is sooooo cute. You should send me a link to the blog! I wanna see it, hehe. Mine wasn't even that great, LOL. But wow, thank you!!! WOW CUTIE.

my life isn't too exciting so the rest was spent playing games and staying up really late lol. I really did not want to get up today i was like WGHWRKFKGHSA I WANNA SLEEP DAMMIT ;_;


Wow that sounds like it was really fun :DD I went to Chinese restaurant with my family for some pre-chinese new year get together I presume. and it was really good! we ordered a lot of food too so it kept coming even though we were all full xD

It was okaaaaay, I was getting really pissed off a lot of the time. I'm assuming you're Chinese? Are you full Chinese? LOL, SO WE HAD SIMILAR SITUATIONS!! It's okay, I know how that feels heh. I would stay up till 7AM watching anime and browsing the internet then I would wake up at like 3 in the afternoon, hahah. Sooooo baaaaad... OMFG, I DIDN'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL EITHER. I GOT UP LATER THAN USUAL, I was like "noooooooooo... but I have to....." I DREAD SCHOOL, IT SUCKS. Sleep is awesome but I don't get a lot of it, OOPS HEH.

how was your weekend :D sorry im still scared its so sad ;___; i need someone to talk to about my friend issues and make up and clothes and everything.

My weekend was good! And I don't mind, we could always talk through here till you're not scared anymore. Well, I didn't go to school on Friday cause I left to LA. When we got there, we didn't do anything, it was super chill. Saturday, there was a party and it was boring, LOL. A bunch of people I didn't know came and I just played games with my cousins like headbands and charades. Sunday, we celebrated my cousin's birthday at some Chinese restaurant and omfg it was hectic... We ordered sooooo much food, IT DIDN'T EVEN FIT ON THE TABLE AND THE TABLE WAS HUGE. We decided to just to-go most of the food, LOL. After that, we went to Santa Monica beach and played there for awhile then went to the carnival shit thing next to it and it sucked, I was like panicking in the inside cause there was a lot of people and it was loud and ugh I just can't handle those type of things, I get overwhelmed. Then we drove back to my auntie's and I played my 3DS and slept. Today, we left around 4AM, and I slept through the entire car ride, dropped off my cousins, and went home! But I have an appointment at the doctor at around 4 for a flu shot.

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you are so fucking cute man like OMG MAN <3 YOU HAVE THE CUTEST FACE EVER. so MOE

Thank you so much!! You are such a sweetie bear, AHHH! I WOULD HUG YOU IF I COULD HEH.


DUDE, I TOTALLY FEELS YOU. There might be sigma brushes sold on a different site for a lower price?? BUT I MEAN QUALITY>>>>> LOL

I hope you have an amazing week too, thank you youre so sweet! ^_^

Thank you so much!! Tell me all about your 3 day weekend when we come back, heh. ^__^

I still feel awkward in messaging you and stuff on who I am, I really don't want to remain anonymous forever though. Youre so kawaii, and seem so awesome and open-minded! You seem so incredibly nice and funny and stuffs! I feel too uncool to talk to you. :C

Awwwww.. It's fine! Just remember, when you're ready hahaha. I'm not forcing you to reveal yourself or anything. You shouldn't feel inferior compared to me, I'm just a normal girl doing unusual things.. LOL. I really appreciate you think that about me, it's freakin' awesome, and it makes me feel awesome inside heh. I'm totally down to talk to anyone regardless. I'm pretty sure no one is "uncool" to talk to me, so don't be shy! I'm here to listen to you, as a friend, no need to feel insecure, that's the last thing I would want you to feel when talking to me. I just hope you let me know who you are soon because I want to help you out and hear what you have to say, heh. You could say hi to me in the halls if you want, it'll catch me off guard but I think it'll be really sweet! Thank you so much though! I hope you had an amazing weekend, and I hope you have an amazing week! ARE YOU EXCITED FOR A 3 DAY WEEKEND?!

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that makes me feel a lot better c: I'll tell you once I don't feel as shy! I like a lot of the same things that you do like make up and clothes (I really like your fashion style!!) , maybe not as much as anime cos I dont watch it much anymore like I used to but Ive been wanting to get back into :D

Hopefully you don't feel shy for long, I'm really curious who this is, haha. But just take your time, I don't want you feeling awkward or anything, LOL. And awww, thank you so much! You're so sweet!! You should totally start watching anime again. That's how I was my freshman-sophomore year but I totally don't regret it. It helped me meet new people with similar interests and it helped me get closer to people, anime is awesome and a life saver. If anything, you could always ask me about anime! I know tons of information about anime. Just let me know!!

I dont want you to think Im creepy cos I barely know you, you've been in my class once tho :C and how youll think its even creepier that i saw your ask fm :c..

Dude, you shouldn't even trip! I'm a super nice person, I'm here to listen! If you're too shy to reveal your identity you can just keep sending my anonymous messages. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. I don't even mind it at all, I actually think it's pretty rad that you're telling me your feelings. I also think it's even cooler that you've been in one of my classes before. Personally, I think it would help you a lot if you talked to someone in a similar situation, aka me. Hahah! It's hard trying to find someone who feels the way as you so it's good to vent to someone you know who's in the same position. I'm here to listen if you need someone!

(cont) and have fun with each other. I have a boyfriend but I also want that girl time too, if you know what I mean. It sucks and I know I should be thankful that I even have some friends but I want friends who can understand me and have fun with me and it just sucks and I don't know how to cope :C


I get so jealous when I see groups of girls hanging out all the time having so much fun and just enjoying the time they get to spend together. I envy these people a lot because I barely have any friends...I got a few here and there, but not people who I could do anything with, like shop or go eat

Omfg, dude. I know exactly how you feel, honestly. You just said everything that's always in my mind. I totally understand where you're coming from and it totally blows. I too envy all these people having so much fun with their friends cause I don't really have that. It kinda makes me feel like "wow, well where do I belong?". Like, I have friends but not really ones I can call a best friend. But you're lucky, you have a boyfriend who you know is at least "yours". But I totally get you, if anything, you could hit me up whenever and just talk cause I would be totally down if you're down. I don't know how to deal with it either, I just kinda want that friend. I've felt the same way for years, people I thought I considered best friends weren't really what I thought they were and that hurt a lot. Dude, we should totally talk cause I totally feel you..

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Have you tried cure?

Cure Aqua? Omfg dude it's fucking awesome. Gross and cool at the same time. It works so well with getting rid of dead skin cells on your face and it makes it extremely smooth. AND THE COOL PART IS YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE IT COMING OFF CAUSE IT LIKE ROLLS INTO GROSS WHITE BALL THINGS, LOL.

what make up brushes do you use? do you have any recommendations?

Hmmm, I use whatever makeup brushes I have. I got these makeup brushes for Christmas last year and they work really well!! If I had the money to buy brushes I would definitely buy MAC and Sigma brushes. ^__^

your nose is tiny in my opinion ^_^ really kawaii

Omfg, really, thank you so much. In my opinion my nose is like huge but hearing that it's small makes me feel happy!! You are such a sweetie. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

What's your make up/skin care wishlist? Curious I need ideas for stuff to buy for myself *_*

Omfg, my makeup and skincare wish list is huuuuuuuge. Like some girls may have a lot but I have A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, especially skincare products! If you want me to send you a list of a bunch of things, hit me up somewhere else because it's easier for me and I wouldn't mind!! ^__^

Howd you do on finals?

I think I did pretty decent!
English-Small test, cheated. Pretty positive I passed that test.
Environmental-Test was okaaaay, not hella hard and not hella easy. I don't mind too much about it because I'm passing that class with an A.
Art TA-Didn't have one cause I'm the TA.
Economics- Didn't have one.
Consumer-Extremely easy but it just took a long time to do.
Peer-Didn't have one.


Language: English