

Ask @sailorkelly

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algebra 2 is much better dont worry.

Oh I'm not taking Algebra 2 lol.. Cause my teacher said "oh Kelly but you're lazy so I won't recommend you" sighhhhhhhhh LOL

jesus you, julian, jerrold and karl were in my dream last night it was so out of nowhere i woke up like what


maybe your bestfriends do put your first. you probably don't see it.

Nah man, I KNOW. And I'm not just saying it, like I've talked to them about it and I'm def not first. Lol.

I agree with you on the best friend thing as Ithink the same way. But they do say a lot of friends you make in high school won't last (not saying all of them) I have close friends too but there isnt that one person that would put me first and vice versa. btw I didn't ask those questions lol.

Yeah a lot of people say that, my sister told me that and so did my cousins! But right on, someone knows how I feel!! LOL

are they really your best friends or are they the main people you talk to.

I think Kris and Julian are the main people I talk to, like I tell them some stuff but not everything yknow but I think Kayla is one of the best friends I have at school, or more like a sister. Idk man just idk.

do you have bestfriends outside of school ?

Yeah like a super small amount lol. School friends and outside friends is REALLLLLLY different in my opinion. Like I'm cool with my school friends but idk ya idk how to explain it. I can probably name like 2 or 3 best friends I have outside of school or probably just 2 lol or idk anymore I mean they have other best friends so I mean I'm one of their best friends but not their only and it makes me feel less special and idk I want a best friend who puts me first and someone I put first and just ugh idk man that would be great

is summer school fun?

Can't say much about it since I've been there once... LOL. But for now I can say it's okay. I mean it helps me get out of the house and be productive so idk it's fine.

wow so your friends do that to you? :/

Yeah a lot of people tbh. Even my family, especially my family... it hurts man

do you get jealous of people who dont really have to take care of their skin and dont break out?

YESSSSSSS! SO MUCH. I really don't like when the people with clear skin get a pimple and they're like "OMG I GOT A PIMPLE IT'S SO UGLY" and you can barely see it.... LOL. I'm just like well man how do I feel..... Whatever man whatevssss

what why would people point out your acne? thats mean. :( like they just blurt it out ? man.

Yeah, I don't understand it either. I guess they think it's funny, meh. Then they add rude comments like "it's so big" or "you have a lot" or "ewwww" and more. Like it really isn't nice at all and I really take it personally and it's something I can't really forget when people point it out like c'mon man. Obviously I'm insecure about it so why're you pointing it out. Like I try to joke about it with them like "LOL YA MAN I KNOW" or I'm hella defensive about it and I'm like "DONT LOOK AT MY ACNE" meh. Life sucks man, people are just GONNA be rude and you're just gonna have to take it.
Liked by: Nassa

I know it's your body and face and blah blah blah but I really think you don't have to get plastic surgery if you ever wanted to. You're like REALLY pretty and perfect and cute and honestly I wish I were you.

Aww thank you so much. There's really nothing special about my body or my face. Like there are so many other prettier girls. :c But like idk I think I have a lot of imperfections and its not something makeup can change, I mean I'll get it when nobody cares about me anymore which is like idk when I'm 25 but ya idk not anytime soon. But literally thank you so much OMG bless your soul!!!!!!!!


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