

Ask @sailorkelly

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then play league for the rest of the week cos I have no life V_v uh.

Awwww, why thank you!! Heheh. Dude, I heard the Lego movie was actually good.. LOL. It's good that you're going it omfg. U PLAY LEAGUE WOW, I USE TO PLAY BUT ONLY FOR LIKE 2 DAYS THEN I WAS LIKE NAH HAHAHA. But I hope you have fun this week as well, qt! You're so sweet for talking to me haha.

That isn't me on anon

but you're not the "original" anon that is asking me these questions, omfg. you're just making it confusing for me dude asdkdjsoshs. like idk why're you're responding to the responses that aren't meant towards you!!!! )))): UGH JACE
Liked by: Jace

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youre very welcome!! although I'm sure tons of people tell you that everyday c: what are you gona do over break?

Hahaha, well I usually wear sweats or hoodies to school! Glad you only see me on my "good" days, LOL. Well I've made a few plans already, hehehe and I don't usually have plans so I'm excited! I usually stay home and watch anime but I'm actually going out, yessss! Then the week we come back, I won't be here cause I'm going to Outdoor Ed so I technically have 2 weeks of break! What are your plans for the week? (:

GRAD OMG THATS IN FOREVER ;C you dress so freaking cute man, at least when I see you sometimes. LIKE WOW KAWAII *_*

LOL, well it's up to you when you decide to tell me heheh. But AWWW, thank you!! You're so sweet and cute omfg.


Omfg, I've been waiting for you!! )-: BUT IT'S OKAY, IT COULD TAKE TILL GRAD. I hope you had an amazing Valentine's this year. HEHHEHEHEH ^__^
Liked by: Jace

that sounds fun :o I didnt even know what outdoor ed was till this year. I never experienced that in middle school. Happy New Year to you too :DD dude I just want to tell you who I am but Im shy and scared :c like its not the same talking to you through here than irl and stuff. IDK WHERE TO TELL YOU

Omg, it's such a fun experience! I went in 5th grade, heh. Awww, there's no need to be scared! It's just me! You could tell me through here, I won't answer it though so I can keep it between only you and I. Heheh. IF ANYTHING, I'LL START THE CONVERSATION LOL.

Favorite personality traits in a female?

Someone playful, understanding, and open-minded. But it shouldn't apply to only females, but males as well. There's probably more..

So how was your week? :D

Hmmm, well my week was very tiring! When it was Tuesday, I felt like the week was going by sooo slowly... it ended up going by really quickly the day after heh. I'm so excited for next week! There is so much to look forward to, ahhh! Then in 2 or 3 weeks it's President's Week!!! THEN, I leave for Outdoor Ed cause I'm gonna be a cabin leader.
How was your week? And what do you plan on doing this week? OH, HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^__^

favorite words to compliment people like darling, angel, lovey, dear etc

Hmmm, "qt" or "cutie" is def one of them.

I know how that feels, wishing you could have this and that about yourself. I'm only about 5'1 but I've gotten pretty used to it, I think the worst thing about being short is finding clothes that fit you :C it's like pants or dresses are too long and it just looks awkward.

Omfg, ya.. Or like I have to pay extra for clothes that fit me. Or if it's a dress, I ALWAYS gotta alter, so I pay more. :c

It's for Ds and 3ds (the sequel) and I would let you borrow it ^_^ I'll definitely check out Dangan Ronpa it sounds good and it seems pretty long :o And that's so sweet, that makes me feel better ! I think you're really awesome so I hope that helps a little bit :DD

Omfg, you would really let me borrow it? Wow, how awesome, thank you so much!! It only took me maybe 2-3 days to finish it all, but then again, I was glued to it... haha. I wasn't able to put it down cause it was so interesting. Thank you so much, you're the sweet one, haha. It takes a lot of courage to talk about yourself to someone you don't talk too much a lot. Hahaha, I get that a lot about my height.. I wish I was taller though! Like 5'3-5'4, sigh. Oh well! Man, I'm so curious to know who this is, lol!

I hope this doesn't upset you but I used to not like you cos I was jealous of you before. I know thats the stupidest reasoning and I really regret that. It's definitely something that I need to work on. Its just amazing (not in a good way) how envy can bring out the worst in someone.


I can honestly say I think you are one of the nicest girls I have ever talked to (even if its just here). You are genuinely so sweet and it makes me so happy! c: It makes me want to be a nicer person cos I know there's a lot of things I can work on.


I also played the Wind Waker but i never finished it! I think the first Zelda game I played was the Ocarina of Time. Phoniex Wright is a good good game and theres a whole bunch of sequels, although I havent finished the first one (I have this really bad habit of never finishing my games ;c )


999 (9 doors, 9 persons, 9 hours) is an anime visual novel type of game. hefty on the reading, and has some puzzles but the story line is really good, it also has a sequel but I haven't played it yet! it has multiple endings, that all lead up to a true ending so its worth playing thru the whole game

Omfg, 999 sounds so interesting!! Where do you play it?! I'll definitely check it out! I don't mind reading, hehe. A lot of people don't usually finish Zelda games cause they're extremely long, haha. It took me forever to finish Wind Waker, but it was worth all the effort cause it was amazing.. I also liked it cause the art style was different than the ones before! I actually didn't know what the huge hype about Phoenix Wright was about, it was whatever to me until I played it, lol! It's okay, I can get that way too and not finish some of the games I get, haha. Dude, Dangan Ronpa is awesome. I cried so bad.. great story line and such a plot twist! I just wish they came out with an English version for the game, they only have it in Japanese, sadly. I had to "play" it through reading/watching the game play on a thread. I got so into it.. heh. Dangan Ronpa got so popular that they made it into an anime, but personally I didn't really enjoy the anime. They left out tons of important information and the story was really rushed into 12 episodes.. sigh. Wow, it means a lot just hearing that, thank you so much.. I'm glad if makes you happy!! It's always good to try to better yourself, it makes not only you feel better, but others around you. It's so helpful to just share kindness with everyone, it's a good feeling. I want to treat others the way I want to be treated, I can't say I'm a nice person all the time, but I try my best! It's not an easy task to be sincere to someone who is a total ass to you, but it's an amazing feeling to just know you're being the "bigger" person and not having it get to you and stoop down to their level. It doesn't upset me whatsoever because I would get that way too with people I envied.. I got so upset at all these "flawless" girls because they were so perfect, it made me hate them AND myself. It lowered my self esteem A LOT.. but then I started to realize that it was incredibly wrong to think that way. It think it's best to not compare yourself to others because you are unique for many different reasons, you shouldn't feel bad on yourself for being you, love yourself!! I'm still learning how to love myself and man.. it's so difficult. But I just gotta keep telling myself I'm awesome, lol! And tell yourself you're awesome cause I'm positive you are just by talking to you, heh.

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and I like story driven games personally! I really like games like phoniex wright and 999 if youve ever tried them :o


Nothing to be embarrassed about, I think it brings more life to the class :D and thanks for saying that, I don't feel too bad now ; w ; do you play games like animal crossing or any games that have that anime art style? I tend to gravitate towards cos its nice to look at LOL

You're welcome!! You totally shouldn't feel down on yourself for something petty like that, heh. Yes, I do! I love those type of games, they're so fun!! That's why I'm IN LOVE with Zelda games, Zelda was actually the very first game I had for myself when I was younger, and ever since then it's been my all time favorite. Out of all the Zelda games, I enjoyed Wind Waker the most heh. For anime games, I really liked Fire Emblem, and I also want to play Shin Megami Tensei!! I played the demo for Phoenix Wright and it was cool, I kinda wanna buy it.... The gameplay reminds me of Dangan Ronpa if you haven't heard of it, it's one of my favorites omfg. I've never heard of 999 though, what's it about? :o We should play video games together one day!!
Liked by: David Schmidhuber

also I really admire that you seem so open and everything. Like in class you'd have this random outbursts and I though it was so adorable!! (I hope you dont think its creep that id rmb that :C ) Then theres me who just does the work and is quiet and lame and too shy SIGHKSHALGD

LOL, thank you so much! I get really embarrassed at my outbursts at times, hahah. And people tend to laugh at me for it. BUT I APPRECIATE THAT YOU THINK IT'S ADORABLE, omfg. Like it means so much to me heh. I don't think it's creepy at all, it's really sweet haha. There's nothing with that, I think it's totally normal. People are just different! That's how I am in some of my classes, you shouldn't feel down on yourself because of it! If anything, teachers prefer that over having a super loud and disruptive student, HAHA.


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