

Ask @supyinyin

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Your eyes aren't even that big in real life

tbh that's because I get lazy and I can see just as well with squinty eyes hehe

how do you know which tutor group you will be in next year?

It's on moodle!! far right bottom side, it might be labelled under MIS integration

was being sarcastic sorry, tinkling of bells is fucking annoying. you're like those girls who think you have a cute laugh in front of boys

funny cause the person who sent me that thing about my laugh personally talked to me after... I applaud your attempt though

actually i know you like to act cute in your pics with your big eye effects but your forehead is really huge and your nose is ugly i dont think youre pretty at all

hello you must be new to my ask fm, bc then you'd know I don't give a fuK whether you think I'm pretty, it only matters if other people do and they happen to (LOL I can imagine you getting into a fit right now until you realize I'm joking ily ily no hate oh wait)
you must also be new to humanity bc then you'd know sending mean things like these don't insult me but really your self value and your kind parents who raised you. Anyways, I bet you're really really pretty but I hope that one day you'll be less insecure and won't feel the need to put other people down to raise your own self esteem<3

just cause my vocab isn't as big as yours and english is my second language doesnt mean you have to make fun of me :( (from dave)

I'm sorry Dave )-: You can insult me in spanish!!


Language: English