

Ask @supyinyin

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I miss talking to you but you have already move on I can see...

hahah who is this? talk to me pls.

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The purpose of buying a dog isn't to clean up its shit. So why clean up its shit?

Yeah but you're free to clean up someone else's dog's shit if you want - no one's stopping you right. WHY SO POMPOUS AND FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEEM WHETHER OR NOT PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE PRE-MARTIAL SEX BASED ON YOUR PERSONAL VALUE HUH
What I meant was that sex isn't the point of marriage but if you leave sex as something so sacred to only be done after marriage, it changes the whole concept of marrying for love. In a sense, you're going back to the patriarchal ceremonies when relatives used to listen at a newlywed's bedroom door to see if they're making babies yeah ok

thoughts on premarital sex?

well, the purpose of marriage isn't to have sex so why should we wait for marriage to do it?

What annoys you?

people who don't have enough integrity for themselves, or their friends to have a single face

what do you think makes a guy hot?

THEIR FACE. and their body and confidence and intelligence and yeah

Are you satisfied with life?

Sometimes I think I am so fully contented with my life that if I passed away, I wouldn't have any worries or regrets. But then, no I don't think I could ever be satisfied really.

how is it being a girl?

"Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men."

Bcos i'm nice. I give u second chance to change ur answer. Who's the top 3 good looking guy in mentoring?

OR ELSE WHAT. jk I cower, bernard is top 1 i can't think of anyone else

oke, let's do this one more time. Who's the top 3 good looking guy in mentoring? ;) *hint hint

uh edmond greg and chris tee. (sorry bernard)

I MISS YOU TOO <3 <3 LOVE YA!! hope its going good over there :) come visit us sooooon

Hahaha i'm scared seisen has changed a lot and it's going to be kimazui :x HAVE FUN MAR, I would die for really cool spring weather right now. ): <3 xxxxx

I dont get if the "top 10 looking guys in your grade" is serious or not

i was trying to be but then I got bored sorry hahah sigh and because it's a very sensitive question that could bother people

Is there any guy seniors you look up to in your school? And who?

Dhane because not matter what shit he gets for LY, he's still really passionate about it. he's also incredibly nice.
Liked by: brigitta.


Language: English