

Ask @supyinyin

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Who would you date if you were single?

I don't think I could commit anymore after this one, I used up all of my commitment for the next decade

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What is a saying you say a lot?

Get the fuck out, bug off, you're so precious (mostly at Simy) and apparently I call people annoying a lot

HAHAH FUNNY JOKE YIN ING. maybe an 8 pack of beer

WELLL Ryan doesn't have an 8 pack of beer OR EVEN A 6 so that doesn't sound too bad either (:

Do you think Foo has a 6 pack?

WELL, he made me touch his tummy the other day and he was really proud of it so maybe? :c

yining i wish i had your problems. deciding whether my boyfriend has a six pack or eight pack.

HAHAHAH <3 dont be like me, get a boyfriend with a definite 8 pack (;

Does your bf have abs? 6 pack?

why what a relevant question, I was just staring at them today wondering whether it was a six or eight pack - I shall have to get back to you on this one sorry
Liked by: brigitta.

what do you think about Darryl?

He's a bit delusional on his dick size but other than that he's honestly a good time and a funny ass wanker xx


DELUSIONAL AHAH (PUNNY) wait no idk I don't know him too well but he's like the definition of hip. (-:

how would you describe Ryan?

he's boyish in a really sweet way, idk I'm not going to fluster anymore in public ^^

What was the last thing you texted someone about?

ehm I told Ryan that if we went somewhere far way together we'd have to bring instant noodles because I can't cook and neither can he. And then he got insulted and said he could cook. And then he suggested cannibalism :x

what happened with you & caitlin

nuthinnnn. We just sort of fell out and now it's a little bit awkward but other than that it's okay :c


Language: English