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top 10 looking guys in your grade

hmnm no order: justin, david, kam, lachlan (clauds wont let you steal him tho), lucas, jeff, samuel, yiwei, ian, can you tell im taking this seriously

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So technically, Charlotte doesn't like you just because of the friends that you have?

eh not so much to do with me, but with my friends (I THINK i could be completely wrong and she just hates me because I'm a bitch or what not)

I bet charlotte is jealous that you & Simone are best friends haha sucks for her!!!!!!!

HAHAHAH okay no that's really bad, yeah it sucks for her that she decided that friendship isn't something that can be shared but it's not something to gloat over. but i appreciate it anon (:

Why did you pick Ryan if there were so many more attractive guys than him? Curious :3

Attractiveness spans a lot of different dimensions anon. I don't know, I think it's because I feel comfortable being dependent on him. "Dependency" used to be a big issue for me but liking him feels empowering rather than a weakness. ok idk i'm confusing the hell out of me too

yinyin <3

MARIKA FUJITA Ö ehhh, I miss you and seisen and Japan and everything! I saw Mayu's rabbit on ig and I couldn't stop obsessing. <3

Top 5 guys in your grade. Personality, looks, everything.

AHHH. everything is too many things, like i wouldn't date some people I find physically attractive etc etc etc

why dose charlotte not like u?

I don't know what started it but I'm guessing it has a bit to do with the friends I've made

I really really admire you a lot. You're witty and honest with your thoughts but you also seem like you make a really good friend. Keep being beautiful x

thank you anon!!! gosh, love you sweetheart

you say simone is your "bff" but she's always with charlotte and nicole aren't they HER bffs? especially charlotte??

I actually can't tell whether this is a joke (no offense meant, nicole is really lovely)
I suppose it comes up to who Simone considers is her best friend, I would tell you the answer to that but I'm afraid of sounding obnoxious, so you should just ask her. She would still be MY best friend either way anyways (-:

fuck one marry one kill one- 3 guys in your grade

would it be bad if I can only decide who I'd kill :x

is it in order? HAHAHA there is only 10 guys in your tutor group!?

there's only 11 goddammit you didn't say it had to be in order, demanding child

Can I be your fuck buddy ;)


who are the 10 hottest guys in your tutor group?

Ben Munkit Ethan Dave Andy John Jt Chris Chandra Tim that's about 10/11 guys in ARo HAHAHAH

who do you think is hot in your tutor group? apart from the group of guys you hang out with?


Should animal hunting be banned?

wtf no idk why everyone is saying yes. half of them wouldn't become vegetarians even in their dreams. and there are people who hunt for sustenance, banning hunting would be like a death sentence. hunting for sport should be banned, yes.


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