

Ask @supyinyin

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yeah man, your 8 tracks. It's deep and trace, but you're always full of energy like laughing 24/7.

hahahhah you obviously haven't seen me in class then... I'm usually in my sleep trance

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didnt expect you to have the kind of taste in music you have, but it's good.. lol

hahahha what do you mean? is this because of my 8tracks??

you're very pretty actually, in a hipster way. it's not a bad thing by the way!

thanks anon, in an awkward way hahah

where do you want to study for university?

uhm not too sure either some UK university or NUS. I'm quite keen on NUS tbh

Should I switch to HL Lit? Ms. Bull is the best.

hahahah only do if you really TRULY have a passion for it because it's quite a burden

What service do you do?

Lasallian mentoring!! It's at Toa Payoh East CC every Saturday morning. We're always looking for volunteers as we have so many kids coming. (:

why did you guys break up?/:

hi sorry but can you guys stop asking? haha I feel like it's quite personal and he really wouldn't appreciate it being up in here.. ily still though <3

in the two pictures you posted on your askfm, your nostrils are huge and your lips are thick plus your eyes are wide apart like alien

I also had buck teeth, weird hair, fat arms, funny eyebrows and zero fucks to give hehe


Language: English