

Ask @suvanytjie

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Ah cici, dalem banget bahasanya.. Malem2 gini bukan ud hrsny beauty sleep demi #abangtu?

Besok ga kerja non, jadi aku malam ini ga mau tidur. Mau temani? Kita sama2 iris bawang bombay

Adekkkk ga perna menyesal dlm keputusan apapun yg udaaa terjadi dlm hidup ini. But, it's never too late to chase your dream... Bcs, univ life doesn't determine what you could be in the future. But, what do you want to be , when you are out there, out of town?

For me, univ life berpengaruh sih untuk determine apa yang bakal kita lakuin di masa depan. Stlh out of town? Gw pengen belajar hal baru sih, jalani kehidupan yang baru, yang lebi punya prospek bagus untuk bs berkembang step by step, but most of all, gw pengen khidupan yang no drama.
Adekkkk ga perna menyesal dlm keputusan apapun yg udaaa terjadi dlm hidup ini

Kak, what have you achieved by living for almost 20yrs?

What have i achieved? Sebenarnya gak ada juga non, gw ngerasa masih terlalu banyak yg blm gw achieve. Tapi selama 20 thn ini gw hanya bisa "belajar" dari pengalaman. There's a quote saying that, "sometimes life teach you lessons in a hard way". Untuk belajar hidup, kita tuh kudu ngerasain yang namanya gagal, jatuh, sakit, feel like no one cares, feel unwanted. So, saat kita bangkit, kita bs lebih menghargai arti "sesuatu" dan "seseorang". Begitu jg kalo kita punya goals, musti kerja keras buat dapetinnya. Karna emang sesuatu yang memang worth it itu, butuh action extra untuk di raih. Satu lg, smua hal baik yg terjadi sm kita, adalah blessing. Dan hal buruk itu, adalah lessons.
Mungkin slama 20 tahun ini gw habisin buat belajar ttg hidup, lebi tepatnya "learn how to survive in life". How about you?

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Liked by: ita Sally Christine

Cici, jangan gantung sayaa donggg... Pertanyaan ade kok ga d jawabbbb

Sabar lah dek, orang sabar di sayang suami masa depan. #abangtu
Liked by: Christine

Cici, kl bs "undo" sesuatu dlm 3 thn trkhr ini, apa itu?

Kalo bs undo si aku pengen nya kuliah out of hometown, cause for all of this time aku ngerasa stucking here. Ya itu aja sih anon, ada things yg ga pengen gw undo walaupun it hurts like hell, karna hidup penuh pembelajaran dari pengalaman non. Kalo anon sndr gmn?
Liked by: ita Sally Christine

kok jadi mirip mantanmu dia? #ups wkwkwk. uda g seimut dl lg ya dia

Sialan kau, ku spam gambar kepiting saus padang sm udang lada hitam baru tau
Liked by: ita Christine

what's the quality in men that you dislike the most?

I simply hate smokers, players, and gamblers. I'm kind of a straight-talker one, so i don't like a man who tells white lies, i prefer truths even it hurts. And last, i think that to transfer from being a boy to a man, people need to upgrade their mindset. So i prefer the goal-oriented person, rather than the one who just playing around doing nothing.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Most of the time i would listen to them and try to give advice, then i will find any quotes to prove that they are going to do better if they could pass this moment. And last,i would say stupid meaningless words just to distract their focus.....
Liked by: ita Christine

When is the world going to end?

When all of the people begin to blame and hate each other, rather than save the world instead
Liked by: Christine


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