

Ask @suvanytjie

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Pendapat mu tentang temenmu yg jadian sm mantanmu?

Ya biasa aja. Mantanku mau jadian sama siapa setelah putus dari aku, itu hak pribadi dia. Walaupun pada akhirnya dia jadian sama temanku, ya silahkan aja. Jodoh orang siapa yang tau? Mungkin aja kan jodoh mereka memang harus di pertemukan melalui aku? Lagian kita udah putus, artinya kita ngak jodoh, jodohku itu orang lain, jodoh dia bisa jadi temanku sendiri. Selama mereka sama sama bahagia, kita doakan saja.
Anyway kenapa, non? Mantanmu jadian sama teman mu kah?

Do you sing in the shower? What kind of songs?

Oh yessss. I sing everywhere when i'm alone, or when i'm with people i feel comfortable with. Currently addicted to Lost Stars and High Hopes.

Regarding jokes about race, do you agree with the statement "If no one is offended, then it's not racist"?

steffiteo’s Profile PhotoSteffi Teowira
Depends. Some people get used to it, but some others get offended easily tho. But, eventough the person doesn't get offended, i think there's a possibility that they're gonna feel a lil bit uncomfortable but still get it as a joke. So, i don't really agree with the statement. Even if people don't get offended, i don't think it's right to joke about someone else's race.

ci namanya bagus bangeeeeet loh! unik, kalo jadi brand memorable hahaha. boleh ceritain arti nama/kenapa dikasih nama itu gak ci?

Hi, thank you!
Sebenarnya ngak unik juga, ada juga beberapa orang yang namanya sama atau mirip-mirip dikit. Hhe.
Dulu itu awalnya mau di kasi nama Magdalena sama nenek. Tapi, setelah voting sana sini, ngak jadi. Trus di bilang udah kasi nama vany aja, terinspirasi dari nama tetangga mana gitu. Ya trakhir jadinya Suvany, di tambahin Su- soalnya emang warisan. Nama cowok2 di keluarga semuanya pake Su-, mulai dari kakek, papa sama paman. Cuman ngak tahu juga sih kenapa adik2 ku namanya ngak gitu juga.
Anyway, gimana sama nama kamu non? Hahaha.

Menurut kamu apa itu cinta?

Cinta itu perasaan. Perasaan yang timbul di karenakan kedekatan, saling cocok satu sama lain. Cinta itu datangnya ngak tiba-tiba, hanya akan hadir kalau kita mempersilahkan dia masuk. Cinta itu ngak gampang di pupuk, dan juga sekali cinta akan sulit untuk di lepas. Cinta itu rasa kasih sayang, ngak bisa di ukur dari status, sedekat apapun dengan seseorang bukan jaminan kalau cinta itu hadir di antaranya. Bahkan satu keluarga pun tidak semuanya saling cinta, berteman sudah satu dekade juga ngak menjamin adanya ikatan emosional itu.
Cinta itu bisa tumbuh karena kebersamaan, kebiasaan, saling melengkapi satu sama lain. Ada yang bilang cinta itu buta, menurutku sih yang buta itu manusianya. Ada banyak tahap yang harus di lewati sebelum mencapai titik 'cinta', kadang orang baru setengah jalan aja udah ngungkap cinta. Sementara yang lain terlalu naif untuk percaya gitu aja, makanya banyak yang nyesal dan sakit hati pada akhirnya.
Bagiku sendiri, cinta itu ngak gampang masuknya. Tanpa di sadari, istilahnya semua 'syarat' itu udah di checklist. Itu sebabnya kita ngak langsung jatuh cinta sama semua orang yang kita temui.
Aku sendiri menilai cinta di level yang lebih tinggi. Seseorang harus mampu menyentuh satu titik di diri kita yang ngak mampu di jangkau orang lain, entah dimana titik itu berada, hanya diri sendiri yang tahu. Ini juga alasan kenapa ada yang hanya setia pada satu orang selama hidupnya, karena 'titik' itu selamanya hanya di izinkan untuk di sentuh oleh satu orang tsb saja.

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Liked by: novi elvina chandra

Hi there, this is for my research: as a member of minority group (by blood) in Indonesia, how important do you think preserving your cultural identity is? By that I mean the language and the traditions. I'm sorry if this offends anyone in any way. Please ignore if so. Thank you!

steffiteo’s Profile PhotoSteffi Teowira
Well, of course it's important to preserve our cultural identity, because we've gotten used to it, we're born with this background of family.
But, being a member of a minority group means that we need to respect the majority group. To respect here means we can still live with our true identity and at the same time, we cause no offence to others.
Like, when we talk to a group of friends, 2 out of 5 they don't understand our mother language, then we need to talk in a language that can be understood by everyone in that group. We do this so they won't get offended.
Basically, everything is good as long as it's done in a right situation.
Hope that helps!

if you were given a chance to change your name, would you? and what would you change it to?

I would. Pengennya punya first name and last name. Soalnya rancu banget tiap beli tiket tulis nama nya 2x double kan. Suka sama nama Sharrie and Frey. Jadi kalo nama gw, Sharrie Freya, keren tak?
Trus kan kalo di tambah nama marga, jadinya : Sharrie Freya Chinta. Sip?

Do you consider your job/major relevant to your gifts. was it the right vehicle to achieve your life goals..?

Well, i don't think so. I know it's a bit late, but i'm still figuring out what i am gonna do with my life. And my current job, honestly, i do it just for fun. I can't stand doing nothing, or like sitting all day long at home. And also, my parents don't support me financially anymore. I need to earn money to support my needs.
And for my major, i'm an accounting student majoring in Taxation. At first, i kinda feel that this major suits me best. Like playing with numbers, it's fun.
So, to answer this question. I'm gonna say that my job/major, it doesn't really suit me anymore. I have reached this point when i feel like it's so boring and ngak menantang lagi. Ceritanya mau naik level, tapi ngak tahu mau kemana arahnya.
And right now, i'm still figuring out what i'm gonna do. Cause if i can't figure this out, i won't move from here. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life, stuck di satu tempat, lalu nyesal, kenapa dari dulu gini gini aja ngak berkembang?
I need to solve this thing in order to get to my life goals.

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Liked by: novi

Can you truly love more than one person?

I can't.
There are billions of people in this world, but why is it so hard to fall in love with one of them?

Every people has a gift from God. Can you tell what's your gift?

What gift? Like things that i was born with, those i can not change, but i should feel blessed to have it?
So the answer will be,
- I process things fast, logical things are so easy to understand, you just need to explain it once and i'll get it.
- I'm quite good in memorizing songs. Most of the time in karaoke room, i can sing a song that i've just heard once (and it's not even the original version). And i love to write, i wish i can make a song by myself.
- I kinda feel that i can sense spirits.....and read people's emotions.
- and last, i think i have a gypsy soul. I love to learn new things, i want to escape my hometown, the idea of being in a new place, it satisfies me.
Every people has a gift from God Can you tell whats your gift

you're in a car with someone special, it was a rainy afternoon, what song would be playing in the music player and why?

"I was born to tell you I love you,
And I am torn to do what I have to,
To make you mine, stay with me tonight
Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take,
When you are sitting next to me,
Will bring life into my deepest hopes."
Secondhand Serenade - Your Call
One of my all time fav songs.
Then, imagine if i am there with that someone special and we're so deeply in love....i would want to tell him that.....i was born to love you, your presence brings life into my deepest hopes and i want to make you mine stay with me forever....
Pertanyaan apa ini?
Liked by: Juju Lamlo

what's your favourite letter of the alphabet and why?

Duhhh tbh i've never thought about this thing before.
But well, i'm not sure tho, but i think it is " D ". Why D? Cause it describes bout myself, like... i am a Dreamer, i dream a lot, i'm so defensive to people, and then i don't like dogs, i hate dramas, i hate driving.
So, D?

menurutmu cowok lebih baik disunat atau nggak?

Kamu cowo yang mau sunat tapi masih galau yah? Menurutku sih.....ya terserah cowonya. Kalo dia ngerasa sanggup yaaa kenapa ngaa. Emang ada manfaat nya dan ada juga resiko nya kan, tapi rasanya lebih banyak manfaat daripada resiko nya. Semua balik lagi ke cowo nya, bersedia atau ngaa. Siapalah aku sampe mau ngatur hidup cowo cowo di dunia ini....


Language: English