

Ask @suvanytjie

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Hi! I followed you. Can you please like my best friend's photo? She can win a trip to Disneyland. It would mean a lot if you helped. The link is in my bio x

jesyfeelsgood’s Profile PhotoJesy
Urm..................well, ok :)

When you can justify a lie?

I don't even tell white lies...... LOL, well, maybe when people ask too much 'why?' and i just want to keep it as my privacy. I'll just answer any possible things to make them shut up & end that boring conversation.

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what do you think of

cclovey’s Profile PhotoChristina Chandra
Pertama kenal dari twitter, masih zaman sebelum masuk kuliah. Trus ternyata tau orangnya pas temenku gantiin posisi kerjanya. Ya tau tau lah rupanya ini si cclovey...trakhir ga tau gimana jadi sapa sapaan di kampus, dan ternyata dia sepupunya tetangga ku. Hahhaha. Dari awal keliatannya orangnya friendly, ramah, gak pelit senyum kalo ketemu orang, cakepp, dan sekarang lagi musim semi penuh bunga bungaaaaa sama pacarnya. Hehe
Liked by: Christina Chandra

If their is an ALS Ice Bucket challege.. I would like to challenge you to a post a armpit selfie here.. =) #JustForFun to see how many girls is proud of their armpits =)

I dare you to off anon firsttt!!

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

A sky full of stars - Coldplay
Fly On / O - Coldplay
Anywhere for you - John Martin

Song in your mind right now?

You're picture perfect blue
Sunbathing under moon
Stars shining as your bones illuminate
First kiss just like a drug
Under your influence
You take me over you're the magic in my veins
This must be love
Boom Clap
The sound of my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom Clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me come on to me now

Mau tau banget ci

Well, dia itu eksis banget di sosmed and looks friendly.
Then in real life, she's so talkactive dan gak pernah kehabisan topik obrolan. I just couldn't imagine how many things that cross her mind at the same time....

Do you talk to yourself?

Yes. I do it in my head. But when i drive, i do really talk to myself in a normal talking voice. :(

When was the last time you tried something new?

Itu dua hari lalu pas gw akhirnya bisa tidur jam 10 dan ngak insomnia terus kek gini keksim *cry cry whyyyy

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Miss-communication? Komunikasi dua arah yang cuma di tangkep di salah satu pihak.
Then beda prinsip, like batasan yang wajar dan ga wajar itu ternyata beda, di antara dua pihak.
Last, maybe common interest. Im that kind of people who love to learn new things, so maybe it's better buat nemuin orang yang punya interest di bidang yang beda? So cakupan 'random' things lebih luas. Idk. Is it just me?

Which are your favorite works of art?

Beberapa hari lalu aku nemuin quotes ini. We are made of the sea and the stars, as the people who terrify us and those whom we love.
Which are your favorite works of art

Desc aku dong :D

Fuyopiyo’s Profile PhotoYudha Pradana
Agak shocked dapet question begini dari cowok, di suru desc pula....
Pertama kenal karena segrup pas ospek di itnb, tapi ngobrolnya malah pas menjelang jam2 trakhir ospek berakhir. Lol.
Kira2 begini deh desc nya :
- cool dan agak poker face
- but friendly
- bisa bergaul sama siapa aja, but gak mudah terpengaruh lingkungan
- punya prinsip sendiri lol
- dia pernah jadi agen jodohin orang
- tapi rupanya orang itu belum di takdirkan berjodoh...
- kalo curhat sama dia responnya singkat aja, tapi serasa a big slap in the face!
- tipe cowok langka di pasaran, sangking langkanya sampe susah di temuin cewek2 gt makanya masih 'single'
- quote fav nya "Jomblo itu nasib, single itu prinsip"
- cakep, tinggi, smart, mandiri. Kayak tipe2 cowo idaman gue kan, tapi sayangnya gue ga pernah mengidamkan dia... *curcol
- kadang aku bingung kenapa dia belum laku juga
- apa mungkin belom move on....
- eh...
- ya segitu dulu deh ya...

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