

Ask @suvanytjie

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Please write a love letter to yourself. Thank you!

steffiteo’s Profile PhotoSteffi Teowira
"I love you," i could finally say it out.
But, they told me to stay away from this kind of girl.
But here i am, no matter how hard it is to love you. I will keep on loving you. It doesn't matter if you hate me, you always hate everyone who has the heart to love you, anyway. It doesn't matter if i have to wait forever, to own a little space in your life, in your heart. I know there will be a time, someday, for you to learn that it's okay to open up your heart. It's okay to trust people, it's okay to learn to love again. I will pray for you.
I know life's cruel, at least for you. I know what you've been through. A sixteen-year-old teenage girl who once cried and suffered cause nobody wanted to take care of her, you're too young for that. But, you got used to it, the pains are no longer hurt like hell, anymore.
So, please.... learn to make peace with your past, even if it will still affect your future. Please learn to forgive people, there must be a reason why they did the things that hurt you. Please stand up and fight, be stronger and more independent than before. The broken soul inside of you, don't make it as an excuse to be so heartless towards people. And last, please learn to love yourself. It doesn't matter if no one loves you, but you have to love yourself more.
You deserve to be treated better, by yourself. The one you can always count on, is yourself. I will pray for you, whatever you're dreaming of, will be yours. Please work a little harder, be tougher. Cause someday, things will get better. Just, trust me it will.
Will always, love you.

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Hey, i read you flashfiction story and it's really nice and touching. Keep writing more!

I'm gonna post another one, soon.
Stay tuneeeed

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Btw aku ini former agent CIA,ganteng,mandiri,bisa diandalkan,dewasa,so pasti siap diajak nikah(aplg kawin),bisa ngelindungi km dr org" jahat..,calon suami yg baik donk?hheheh

Kalau bersedia nunggu 5 tahun lagi, silahkan kirimkan pas foto 4x6 dan foto full body dan direct-kan ke ig saya.
Terima kasih.

Jadi kak, kl cowo yg masa lalu perna selingkuh dr pasangannya, katanya ud ga bakal ngulang, bs dipercaya ?

veraazhou’s Profile PhotoVera Zhou
*berpikir keras*
Duh, maaf mbak. Saya nyerah sama pertanyaan ini...
Liked by: Christine

Jd klo mau yg bs diajak nikah,cr yg uda agak berumur donk baru bisa,..

Yah setidaknya yang udah ada tanda-tanda bakal jadi calon suami yang baik deh.

Biasa cewe liat masa lalu cowoknya ga sih?masa lalu pntg ga bagi cewe?

Tapi lihat nya sih lebih kepada apa dia udah belajar dari masa lalu nya atau belum.

Cowok yg cocok dijadiin pcr itu yg kyk gmn si?

Yang ganteng, mandiri, bisa diandalkan, dewasa.
Kalo bisa,
....yang siap diajak nikah.

Saya cowo,saya suka ma seorang cew nih,trus ceritanya ni cewe uda byk bgt mantannya,trus ktnya ni cew uda pernah servis tu smua mantannya(you knw what I mean,but ga sampe cetak gol),dan..saya sbnrnya ga prnh pcrn sama skali..emank org yg pcrn wajar ya ngelakuim hal begitu?klo mnrt aku kissing aja fi

Duh, i don't know what you mean nih. Masih polos aku mah.
Yah, kalo kamu ngak bisa terima masa lalu cewek itu, ya jangan di pacarin. Lagian, batas wajar tiap-tiap orang beda kan.

Klo dr sudut pndg wanita,kalian lbh suka cowok yg da sunat apa blm sih?trus klo km tu cowok,km maunya disunat dokter ce/co?tua/muda?suggestion pliss..

Prefer di sunat, sih. Tapi ya tergantung cowok nya deh mau atau ngak, apa hak gue ngatur hidup orang.
Lah, ini malah minta suggestion sama saya....
Saya kan ngak pernah sunat, mz.

Are you a leader or a follower?

A leader, for doing things that i'm familiar with.
A follower, apa lagi kalo yang lead tuh oppa cakep.

What is your definition of ideal, perfect woman? Does she cook? Does she work? How does she look like?

steffiteo’s Profile PhotoSteffi Teowira
My idea of a perfect woman would be someone with a strong personality. She knows what she wants, and will do everything to get that. An independent woman, who has clear visions for her future. She earns income by working her ass off during weekdays, and enjoying life during weekends. She is able to pay back her parents' investments on her, or at least some of it, before she decides to get married. She has to be brave and bold enough to break the rules, that woman's supposed to be fcking pretty, to marry a rich man. She has to keep on upgrading herself, her knowledges, abilities, empathy towards others, and so on.
She's able to do things on her own, be responsible for herself.
A woman who enjoy being alone, she won't beg for a companion. She just need to find someone complementary, not supplementary.

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Is it naive to always be kind to everyone, no matter what?

steffiteo’s Profile PhotoSteffi Teowira
'No matter what'
There's a quote that i read somewhere. "Being nice to people you don't like, is not being two faced. It's a part of growing up."
But then, i can't help myself to doubt about the meaning of this quote. It's like, why should we act like we like someone when we actually don't? It's not a part of growing up, people are just too naive to admit they're not that mature enough....to tolerate and forgive.
It's okay to be kind with everyone, but i prefer it when we're kind to people and don't hate or dislike them at the same time. It's naive to be kind with someone that we hate/dislike. I, myself, have always tried so hard to forgive people, to be in a 'safezone' feelings towards anyone. So, i don't need to pretend to be kind.
But then, i'm not the kindest human being tho. Cause no matter how hard i try to forgive them, then they took it for granted, to the point i couldn't help it anymore. For some people who keep on coming back and hurt me, i've decided to remove them from my life. I don't hold grudges, but i'm not that strong tho.
I'm gonna just let them go.

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Liked by: Steffi Teowira

Ci aku mau nanya. Skrg aku lg deket sama 2 cowo ( si A dan si B). Sama2 baik. Si A naik mobil tp fisiknya kurang mendukung. Si B naik motor tapi fisik nya ganteng. Aku sih ga muna ya, emng naik mobil itu cwe psti lebih nyaman. Tp ak ga suka fisik nya si A. Menurut cc gmn ya? Ak bingung :(

Kenapa harus bingung juga. Kalo emang di antara dua pilihan itu, nga ada yang bisa bikin kamu sreg, ngapain musti ambil pusing tentang "siapa yang bagusan gw pacarin"?. Kamu punya hak buat nolak semuanya kok, kalo emang nga ada yang bisa memenuhi kriteria.
Saran aku sih, kalo bisa ya, kalo dari awal udah ga sreg sama fisik dan masalah materi tu cowo, yah jangan mau mau aja di deketin. Jaga jarak "aman" temenan doang lah. Kalo udah deket banget mah susah hindarin nya lagi. Ntar di bilang PHP pula.
Tetap aja prinsip 'menjaga hubungan baik dengan semua orang' ini di salah artikan, being friendly sama flirty beda banget loh.
Liked by: elvina chandra


Language: English