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متجوزه بقالي سنتين صالونات وكده مكناش نعرف بعض زوجي الحمدلله شخص كويس جدا ومش مقصر معايا مديا ولا معنويا بس هو كان خاطب قبلي وانا مش قادره اتخطي الفكره دي وبحس أنه قلبه مش معايا وحرفيا تعبت

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Your thoughts are not facts
Your thoughts are not facts


And u suddenly realise ur not in control of ur own life again
Days r just passing by with u going nowhere and nobody but u knows that, they believe ur doing good already, little do they know about the struggles that u live with every single day
The struggles of seeing everyone living their lives, being happy, doing things, accomplishments, even the tiniest ones and u feel way behind.
The struggles of knowing that ur the only one who can change ur life but u just can't, u don't know where to go or what to do, u thought others can help u with that, but u were terribly wrong... Ur the one behind the stirring wheel and they're just passengers. And ur car is now going nowhere disappearing into this huge nothing, u know all that and u still can't do a thing about it
U still can't grab that steering wheel and drive ur very own life to a purpose. U have no idea what that's supposed to be.
U feel ur way behind with knowing even the smallest things about urself, how do they wake up every morning, make their beds, wash their face and teeth and then start their day? Why can't u do that too? Why r most of ur days so purposeless and not fruitful? Why do u look back on the last month or 2 and realise u've accomplished nothing? Then look back at whole years and can't name one big thing that u've done? Why is it that u always feel so sad, so broken, so lazy, u feel so lonely but u barely even leave ur room, let alone ur house? When does this nightmare end?

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هو فيه ف مواد عماره ي جماعه مادة بيعملو فيها موديلز لمباني او مشروعات فاهمين انا أقصد ايه ؟ كانت اختي بتقولي لما كانت بتدرس برا ان فيه ماده تصميم بيعملو فيها موديلز بالكراتين و كدا يعملو بيت صغير مثلا معماره صغير فاهمين ولا لأ عشان كل اما أقول لحد يتنحلي حد يقولي عشان عايزه أعرف فيه ماده زي دي ولا؟

في مواد كتير بنعمل فيها اه مش بس مادة التصميم


bOsBos_bassant_15’s Profile Photoبسنت
In the state where ur struggling to keep ur head above the water because everything is pulling u down, even the one who once gave u the wings u flew with, made u hear ur heart break and is now the heaviest weight of them all. It's dark in there and no one is ever ready to get back down; where everything is dull and meaningless again. It's no longer called depression episodes; it's a whole depressing life.


Language: English