
taylor wilson

Ask @taywillyy

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I understand u and about what happened to u but ur in 8th grade u smoke weed? U dress appropriately? Come on... No wonder u got rap e d

I got raped when I was eight fucking years old. When I had butterfly on my shirts with glittery hearts and shit from fucking justice, I had pictures of my favorite animals on my wall and one of the Eiffel Tower, and one with me and all my friends from conejo. So yes please explain to me about how much you know of my raping you insensitive douchebag. And my choices are my choices I don't see your name anywhere in that sentence so stay out of my life.

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I just cut.. You wouldn't be proud of me but I did. I'm one of your good friends. I would text you but I don't wanna disappoint you

No please text me ill help you through all of this. I promise you wouldn't disappoint me ill just try and help. I love you please text me.

How did you get to type more than 300 characters

You yourself can type over 300 characters the person who ask you the questions can't ask you over 300 characters

What type of relationship do u want

I want a relationship where my boyfriend can hangout with me whenever, he can feel comfortable around my family and acts like he's a part of it, he can give me back massages, we can have sleepovers and get high and watch movies and cuddle all night, who makes an effort to express his feelings towards me, can listen to the same music as me without being like "change the song lets listen to my type if music", who doesn't except me too look fabulous every second of the day because I'm one of those girls that just like to be in a guys shirt and a thong with my ratchet side bun, who actually knows what it feels like to have been hurt, who won't get really jealous of me for hanging out with guys, who I can watch their skate videos with, who can act the same way he'd act with me alone as e would around his friends, who likes holding hands, I just really want a long term relationship exactly like that you feel me.

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Truth is ur chill jk i love u taywilly I'm glad ur going to my school this year... Hotdog style

Ily brett imy can't wait too see you everyday at school;)

Who raped you? I was just wondering, but you don't have to answer if it's too personal.. really sorry btw

jesus i know youre not trying to be rude but do you understand how rude you do sound? because you prob dont know me and youre just going to assume ill ansewr such a person question like that too someone on anon too all of the internet?

Oh in a lot if ur pick it looks on the right side did u just angle them that way?

its becuase the picture puts it on the oppisite side

when are you going to forgive naomi

if you think im ever going to forgive her youre insane, all those other people can forgive her so easily but they didnt get toremented as much as i did by her. every fucking day i felt worthless because of her, and sometimes i still think too myself yea some of those things are true that she said, she changed me in a horrible way and i cant go back to how i use to be because of her. Dont excpect me to forgive her because you dont know half the emotional damage she did too me.


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