
taylor wilson

Ask @taywillyy

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i think it's really funny how your like "if someone texted me saying they need my help i'd do anything i could to help them" but 2 days ago when someone was asking for help, your response was "why does everyone think they can push their problems on me? im a 13 year old girl not a therapist" lol odd?

I said text not if you're going to be on anon where I have no idea who they are
Liked by: Venus Taylor

Awww, well if you never need to talk, I'm here for you

same too you babe<3 text me if you ever need to talk 8058508086

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Hey, for all those who are saying depression is nothing , it's incredibly serious and painful. Plus you don't need to gang up on her. She's already dealing with enough, depression alone can permanently ruin even the happiest seeming person.

finally someone nice ily x10000
Liked by: Venus Taylor

Eventually, when your out of high school and don't get into college cuz you don't care about school, your gonna be homeless and realize what it's really like to be depressed. And don't say no one told you. Stop being rude, because I'm trying to help your sorry ass, enjoy life little girl <3!

hahah i cant wait to prove all you fucking bitches wrong.(:

First off, you can't be born depressed. And I never said there aren't people who have it better than u cuz there r but u can't just look at that. U r just being wayy to selfish. If you take a look at it on the world avg, I have it so good and it's so messed up that u cut. U really don't see anyone b

first off, yes you can. Depression can be both genetic or environmental, it just so happens depression runs in my family so yes, i was born with depression. from some of my "problems" that you dont even know about yet you automatically think that i can just overlook them also caused my depression so i have both enviornmental and genetic(-: also read the qoute again are you fucking stupid the qoute is saying that even if someone has it worse than i do, becuase yes alot of people in this world do, it doesnt mean that i cant be just as sad as they are. ALSO its not "messed up that i cut" because how do you even know that i still cut? and cutting was how i coped with stuff. thats like me telling someone "oh you take a walk when youre stressed out thats messed up" i know i could use other things to cope like for example taking a walk but it doesnt fucking help me so mind your own goddamn business and shut the fuck up(:

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No need to cut or be "depressed" about any of your "problems" when there are people actually starving to death in Africa and they're not cutting. 1/5 children in this country go starved and there are plenty who almost freeze to death at night. How dare you cut or be "depressed". Ur just selfish af

heres a qoute i think you need too read
"Saying someone can’t be sad because someone else may have it worse is just like saying someone can’t be happy because someone else might have it better."
now you need too leave before i track down your i.p and kick your ass

I'm not judging you for having depression...I'm judging you for posting a picture of you in the hospital a while back. I'm judging you for being so open About suicide and ur cutsLiterally you'd only be so open about everything for attention, because there's nothing people can do about it.

no hahah fuck you. im open about cutting and being suicidal because i can help people yes it kind bugs on how everyone just pushes their problems on me but if someone texted me telling me they need my help id do anything i could to help. theres so many things that no one knows about me so no i dont do anything for attention. yes, honestly i use too it doesnt mean i didnt have problems, because i did but i wanted to feel cared about i wanted to know who really cares and who doesnt. if you havent noticed i havent done anything for attention recently i keep too myself, no one knows how im actually doing not one fucking person. but i never became open about my cutting or anything until everyone already knew because i trusted the wrong person. ive been cutting since 5th grade. alot of people didnt know about it until 7th. so get your fucking shit straight until you fucking say shit like that.

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What do you mean "she's the one who broke me and I've never been fixed"? pretty sure not all of your problems have come from one girl.

oh trust me one girl can cause that many problems
Liked by: Jenna Marie burns


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