
taylor wilson

Ask @taywillyy

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Sara doesn't hate you cuz you guys are both huge losers with no life whatsoever besides smoking, hooking up with 100 people, and cutting because of your so called "depression" why don't you quit your complaining and do something productive with your lives. Spoiled fucking idiots.

oh hell naw
yes me and sara are both huge losers
but smoking makes us happy get over it. i dont even remember who my last hook up was and im pretty sure sara remembers hers considering she has a boyfriend. im actually very productive i go to school and i eat isnt that enough i get grades that are passing and so is sara stop acting like you know anything about sara or me because you dont.
you dont know anything about how we were raised neither of us our spolied stfu you make me want to bang my head into a wall

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I found out my dad smokes weed. Should I be worried or nervous? My mom knows but she doesn't seem to mind. Or should I just let him be?

let him be haha he's an adult he can make his own choices
Liked by: Beck Dean

OUR* bestfriend is Mary Jane and if she's hated by everyone then why don't I hate her???????????


wait till you get to high school, no one gives a fuck if you smoke, none of that ASB bulls here :p

haha I know Ty Jesus

yo you people need to chill out. I'm not saying what you're doing is good or bad, but who even fucking cares. life is just a big competition & everybody wants to beat the next person. claps for you for taking in slow & not giving a fuck(◡‿◡✿)

Liked by: Coop Coop

thats what everyone thinks about you . Pull your head out of your nonexisting ass and face real db.

My ass does too exist water you takin about

Hahahaha literally the person downn there is so perfect. You stupid bish you're going no where in life just like you're dad. When your sitting on the streets beginning for money, I'll cruise by in my Bentley and thrown a quarter at your dumb shit brain

wtf you don't even know my dad AHAH

You're such a loser. At least the ASB kids are trying to help someone. You can't even help yourself. Their making a difference. Your just a basic Mary Jane luvvin cunt(-:

peace out homie
Liked by: Hannah Strum

Why happened that day at lc with russel and Anthony and all them when the cops showed up and asked about the burnt stuff on the table

nothing haha


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