
taylor wilson

Ask @taywillyy

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Do you prefer chicken, beef or pork meat?

chicken... nuggets. I just really love chicken nuggets okay.

I'm sorry you feel so shitty because you're super pretty and soo nice. The people who talk shit about you are just assholes trying to deal with their own problems, try not to listen to them. If you ever need to talk, SERIOUSLY BRO I'm here for you.

thank you! youre so great you can talk to me if you ever need too.<3

Taylor. If u were weak u would be dead. Ur alive cuz of how strong u are and how strong god made you to be. I remember seeing you in colina. We were in PE together. U looked happy as can be. But then I saw cuts on ur leg. When I found out that u did cut. My heart broke. How long have u been cutting?

thank you but im not alive cause I don't take enough pills or I don't cut deep enough. im trying too stay strong, but its hard. and I know ive been practicing looking happy since 4th grade. and 2 years...

To all those faggot fucks talking shit about Taylor stop cause shes my bestfriend u don't know half the things shes been through shes amazing ok don't talk shit or ill kick who ever is talking shits ass you guys are assholes she shouldn't have to go through this stay strong

ily jakey
Liked by: gianna lane

Not a question but you beautiful and don't listen to the hate people put you through trut me I have been there before it's not worth it

thank you

Taylor. What do I think bout you. Well I think that ur so beautiful and perfect! I see all the shit u go threw. I see that it hurts. But I also see a strong girl fighting threw it. Like I wanna be as strong as you. I cut and I'm suicidal. I've tried 18 times. Taylor... You. Are. Amazing<3

thank you hun but im as weak as it gets im at 22 times now. life sucks. but you need to stay strong for the people around you or at least appear strong, no matter how much it hurts push though cause people care. text me if you need anything
Liked by: gianna lane

Who r those guy's u and Madison wer with at Disney on instagram

jesse and freddy theyre the homies yooo

Hoe many people dont like you

im aware, its people like you that make me feel more suicidal everyday. do you even have any idea what has been happening too me lately? obviously you don't or you're just a horrible fucking friend cause you would be able too see how much pain im in every god damn day. You don't know whats going on with me at home. You don't know whats going on in my love life. You don't know the thoughts that linger in my head every second of everyday. So before you go fucking hiding behind a computer/phone or whatever device youre on just think about how those few words of hate is going to affect a persons life. For all you know I could've been waiting for one last thing too draw the line too push me more than my limit for me too o committee suicide. You don't know shit about me or my life.


Language: English