

Latest answers from Ken(o)

What types of songs you make are we allowed to use?

Any of those except Afraid, Distant Memory and To My Friend. They are commissioned and owned by other people as well.

Hello! I really REALLY LOVE Your music and your voice!! ;; I do hope you get to sing more ;;w;; also I dunno if you'd be up for it but I'd love to draw for you sometime HHHHHHNG

Thank youuuu. :)

Have you ever made a mistake?....what's the biggest one you've ever made...?

Of course, I did. I made a fucked up decision by acting impulsively that costed my dream job, my friends, and my lovelife at that time.

Is there anything matters to you more than friendship??

Myself. I can't be a good friend if I can't be a good person, first and foremost.

Do you like what Vocaloids?

Lien Kaito
I usually am ok with English vocaloids, but my fave is GUMI. Both her English and Japanese VB in my personal opinion is created well.

i just recently listened to your song, time machine and wtf you voice has gotten more pogi ever since i listened to you songs hahahaha i loved the song itself!!! ♥

Thank youuuu! :)

Language: English