

Ask @theycallmesyaz

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oh gosh no. *semi-finalist. I don't do too well in canoeing haha. yeahhh I prefer to keep myself anonymous too :)

haha my memory failing me alr

yup! haha why?

so sec 3 k1 finalist huh? (I think) :P
haha don't worry I think I prefer keeping you an anon so that we won't have awkward bump meetings at macr

that's good to hear :) all the best for those last two papers then! I think I've procrastinated enough this year so yeaaahhh definitely gonna try and change :) but anw, no regrets ok! whatever it is that happens, just accept it cos maybe that's the way you're meant to go :)

hmm you're taking Os next year?

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correct, and eoys were oh gosh haha disappointing.. but I guess I deserved it, I didn't really study plus my work in class was never properly done so yep. intend to work hard during the holidays though :) how are Os? (you take Os right?)

yes anon, I do. haha honestly I'm glad that most of the Os are over! I'm left with two science mcq papers then I'm done :D study hard! start early and don't do the same mistake I did - procrastinate

do I say thank you? haha thanks I guess. yea some anons can get really hurtful. but I guess that's their choice.

so. if I remember correctly you're not my age(?) haha so then how was EOYs , finish line anon?

finish line anon it is then! oh and nahh they don't talk about you now its just that I kept hearing your name everywhere during that period of time when I first came across your askfm so... I thought I'd drop by and say hello? idk am I creepy yet? haha sorry!

at least you seem nice, much unlike other anons out there :)

but in my defense I merely stumbled upon your ask plus I've heard a lot abt you thru friends and my seniors so hahaha what was I supposed to do...?

I feel so embarrassed that I'm being talked about by your friends and seniors. sigh what have they been saying about me :P

oh then I'm the latter HAHAHA

are you that person from that school that was on boat duty or the finish line or smth?

ooo realized I haven't talked to you since 6 months ago hahaha

hmmmmmmm 6 months? OKAY lets play a game. tell me not so obvious facts about yourself and I'll try to guess who you are (if you're not a creepy stalker who I don't even know or haven't met in person or become acquainted)

Greatest song in the world?

sigh friend. you're giving me one of life's hardest choices.
either Dealbreaker by Rachael Yamagata or Three cheers for five years by MP. oh dyou know MP is coming to Singapore on March 2014? :)

hello syazwan long time no talk or see or smile at

hello stranger. how are you today? honestly I'm really bored to death so thank you for asking me a question! :) well we are talking now, and I smiling at you haha ---> :)
Liked by: SHAHNAS

Have you ever been in love?

love is but a mirage. a dream. an impossible utopia many crave to be in. some may claim to have reached this utopia but they are only fooling themselves.
Liked by: SHAHNAS

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

how about the struggles of a singaporean student?
Liked by: Nutz

What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

eye contact. part of your body language and tells a lot about you :)

How do you think you will do for O's

honestly I know I'm not going to do well at all for Os. so many things to do, so little time. Regrets everywhere
Liked by: SHAHNAS

Why does everyone think yankert likes beth

everyone just wants to stir shit lah, even when it's not true :) no lltc is complete without it's pool of scandals, no?


Language: English